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Brooke's POV
After Skye had left the Dingo after our little argument, I told the girls I should probably go to. I just hope Skye and I didn't fuck things up between us already. Now was the time we both needed each other more then ever.

I started walking down the street. I had planned to go back to Buck's. That's where I am now most of the days. Just sitting up in my room, staring at nothing. I couldn't bring myself to do anything else.

To busy to notice, I looked to my right and realized where I was. The one place I dreaded. The last place I wanted to be. The lot. The lot where Tori was shot. The lot where everything went wrong in one night.

I started hyperventilating, my eyes glued to the patch of old grass where dried blood still stayed. I held my stomach as tears poured out of my eyes. Oh no. I leaned over while clutching my stomach, throwing up everything in my stomach, which wasn't very much to start with.

I wiped my mouth, still staring at the lot. It was empty, like a ghost town. I then suddenly remembered thats where the boys and I used to play football all the time. I started hyperventilating more. I needed someone.

I ran as fast as I could out of there. My first thought was the DX. Soda should be there. I didn't wanna talk to my brother right now. He'd probably tell me to suck it up.

I ran through the front doors of the DX. "Soda!?" I called out, my voice cracking. I saw Soda come out of the garage through my teary eyes.

"Oh my god! Brooke! What happened, hun?" He gently cupped my arms, bringing me to sit down.

"I-I.."I broke down into sobs. Soda just hushed me as he hugged me tightly.

Once I finally calmed down, he pulled away. "What happened?" He asked softly.

I sniffled before speaking "I was walking home...and I ended up past the lot" I explain.

"Oh, Brooke" he petted my hair. "Where's Skye? I thought she was with you?"

"She left after we went to the Dingo. We got into a little argument" I explain, wiping the remainder of my tears. Soda just nodded. I looked up and saw Steve in the door way of the garage. He probably heard everything.

Just then, the DX doors opened with the ring of the bell. Dallas and Twobit walked in. Once they saw me, Dal farrowed his brow as he walked over.

"Soda what the fuck did you do to her?" He asks, examining me.

"Me?" Soda asks.

"Ya you" Dal jabs a finger to his chest "why's my sister crying?" He demands.

"It's nothing, Dal. Soda didn't no nothing. Just, Skye and I got into a fight" I lie.

"A fight?" Twobit asks.

"A little argument. Nothing to big" I correct.

I stand up "I'm gonna go ahead to Buck's. See y'all" was all I said before leaving.

Soda's POV
"What happened? Because I'm no expert, but it must have been a big fight with my sister to make Brooke cry" Twobit says once Brooke is gone.

I sigh "she did have a an argument with Skye. But.." I trailed off, not wanting to talk about what else.

"But what?" Dallas demands.

"She accidentally ended up walking past the lot. She came here crying" I explain. They were both quiet. I had hardly notice Steve appear.

"Are you sure we shouldn't do nothing?" Steve says, wiping his hands with a rag.

"What do ya mean, Randle?" Dal asks, lighting up a cancer stick.

"I mean, those girls have been acting weird lately. It ain't the same anymore. Come on man, when's the last time you saw them two laugh, or even smile?" Steve says.

I don't blame em, after what they saw I thought.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Twobit asks. Steve just shrugs.

"I don't know if there's anything we can do other then let them be. I think they need some time. Just keep a close eye on em though" I nod.

"Maybe we should try and distract em, ya know" Twobit suggests.

"Ya man. I don't like Brooke like this" Dal said.

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