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Skye's POV

I ended up bolting to the Curtis's. No one was there, or so I thought. I slammed the door and immediately cracked a beer. I started pacing the room, "you're so fuckin' stupid, Skye!" I yelled at myself, "never could keep your goddamn mouth shut. You're such an insensitive ass!"  I slammed the beer.

"Got something to share. Skye?" Pony and Johnny startled me as they came in from the backyard.  He looked around, "where's Brooke?" 

"Who the fuck knows...we got into an argument.

"What? Why?" Pony demanded.

"I was a bitch."

"Shocker,"'he laughed, but then he saw I was serious...dead serious.

"What happened?"

"Just forget it." I cracked another beer and sunk onto the couch.

Johnny sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, "go find her. I'll stay here with Skye."  I slammed that beer too.

Pony bolted out the door, looking concerned. I know I should have been more worried about leaving Brooke alone, but I couldn't get out of my own head. 

I got up and grabbed another beer.  I sat in next to Johnny.  I liked Johnny.  He didn't try to make me talk like Two, Steve, or Soda.  He just sat by me, letting me know he was there, but gave me my own space.  I drank another beer and went to the porch to smoke. 

My brother came walking up with Steve and Soda.  Steve pulled me aside and hugged me, "what happened today?" he asked softly, kissing my head.

"I picked up trash."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

I shook my head, trying to keep the tears at bay, "I can't."

"Can't what, baby? he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I just don't wanna talk, ok?"

He sighed, "ok." 

We turned and went back inside.  Two-Bit was frowning at my empty beer cans.  "What?" I muttered.

Two-Bit leaned over the couch, "drink one more and I'll skin ya." he grumbled through clenched teeth.

"No, you won't."

"Don't test me, Skye." He said in a tone that I rarely ever here.  I didn't reply, but I stared him down with as much hatred as I could muster.

Later that evening, Dally, Brooke, and Pony came back.  Dally announced that he we were all going to a drag race.  Brooke looked just as thrilled as I felt, which wasn't sayin' much, but we put our big girl pants on and went with them.

Brooke and I spotted Meg and Tess Brumly over by the cars.  I nudged Brooke and we made our way over to them, "Winston, Matthews," Meg acknowledge us, "heard you two got hurt pretty bad."

Brooke and I looked at each other and shrugged.  Sure, we got hurt, but we weren't dead, "I guess."

"How's community service?"

"Just picking up garbage." Brooke spoke up, "how come you two didn't get caught."

"When we saw that heater, our gang fled.  The fuzz grabbed Jess and Mandy as they were fleeing and Angela was, well...I mean, she was by Tori."  Tess looked a little guilty, but I didn't blame her.  We chatted a little more and then we went back to our gang.

"Whose racing?" I asked Two.

"Someone from Shepard's gang and Brumly's."  I nodded and stood next to Brooke.

That's when I saw it...the heater went off.  Everything from that night flashed in front my eyes.  My hands automatically went to my side feeling for blood.  I was sweating and shaking.  Brooke grabbed my hand, "we gotta go!" She shrieked in a shrill yell.

I didn't need to be told twice.  We raced back to the Curtis's as fast as we could.  Both of us bawling.  I'm not sure how we got home before the guys, but we did.  Brooke and I both slammed a beer and a shot of whisky before the guys came in.

Two-Bit grabbed my upper arms, "Skye!  Skye!  You're safe, I'm here.  You're safe!"

I shoved him away, "Leave me alone!  It shoulda been me!  I shoulda been the one to get shot!"  I sobbed.

Brooke stood against the wall, "no!" She yelled at me, "it's my fault!  It's all my fault!"  She buried her face in her hands and slid down wall.  I laid face down on the floor, not even trying to stop the tears.

It was silent for awhile, the Darry took charge, "Skye, Brooke.  I don't know what is going through your heads, but we're gonna all sit down and talk.  I want each of ya to tell me why it's your fault," he said firmly.

Pony helped Brooke up as Steve lifted me.  We sat on the couch sandwiched between Pony and Steve.  Neither of us speaking.

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