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Brooke's POV
After Skye and Angela did their phone calls, it was my turn. I went and dialed Buck's number, the only number I could think of where he'd be at. My shaky finger pressed each cold number before it rang.

"What?" A cold voice answered.

"Dally?" I almost whispered.


"Ya..it's me" I nod into the phone, closing my eyes to keep the tears away.

"What's wrong?...you sound like your crying. Where are you?"

"Im in jail"


"We got arrested for jumping Cherry...you were right, Dal...you were so right" I tried to contain the tears but they wouldn't stop flowing down.

"Just calm down!..Skye there to?" He asked.

"Ya, all the girls are...we really fucked up"

"Ya, you guys did...you probably won't be coming home tonight..you'll probably be put somewhere" he sighed. Fear struck me as I 
let the tears fall.

"I'll be there soon!" He hung up the phone. I went back and sat next to Skye, as she hugged me. "Dally's coming now...we ain't getting out of here tonight" I said. She sighed and continued to play with my hair.

I was scared shitless. Dal had told me stories about being locked up and in juvie. It was crazy.

Dal's POV
"Ya, you guys did...you probably won't be coming home tonight...you'll probably be put somewhere" I tell the truth to my sister, as much as it hurt. I wasn't focused on that right now though! I needed to get to her!

"Look, I'll be there soon!" I hung the phone up before storming out of bucks. I was angry, scared, upset, I couldn't explain it.

I drove like a maniac to the police station. I didn't care about getting the gang right now. Skye had probably called them anyways.

I ran into the station, looking around for my sister. Just as I did, Twobit and the rest of the gang came through the doors.

"Winston...what'd ya do this time?" A fat officer put his hands on his hips.

"Fuck off. I'm here for my sister" I said, not in the mood for their bullshit.

"Where's the girls?" Twobit and the gang stood beside me.

"Listen, the girls are gonna be put in a group home detention center for the assault against Sherri Valence" he heart dropped. My hands got cold. My breathe hitched.

"What do ya mean!?" Twobit exclaimed.

"what proof ya got!?" Steve added.

"Sherri was jumped, not blind. She described each girl...names to" the officer explained. I just wanted to bash his head in, someone's head in right now. Last thing I wanted was my sister in juvie..where I started becoming the way I am. My biggest fear was her becoming the same.

"Well when the hell do we get to see em!?" I ask.

The officer held a hand up "they'll be in the girls home for about a month. You may see them now for 5 minutes for goodbyes" he explained. My throat tightened. Goodbyes? I didn't like this one bit. I was freaking out in the in side. The rest of the gang had shocked faces.

The officer then took us to a waiting cell where my sister, Skye, Shepard, and two other girls sit.

"Brooke!" I got her attention. "Skye!" Twobit said at the same time.

"5 minutes" the officer repeated. I ignored him, wrapping my arms around my sister.

Brooke's POV
"Brooke!" -"Skye!" We heard. We all looked over to see the gang through the bars, that were now opened and allowed the gang to come in.

Dallas came over as I stood, wrapping his arms around me as I did the same. "Dal, I'm scared" I said quietly into his shoulder.

"Don't be. It's gonna be fine" he reassured. I wasn't sure if he was lying or not.

"Goodbyes are up in 5" the officer said. My eyes snapped wide open.

"Goodbyes!?" I looked to Dal in shock.

"You and the girls have to go away for awhile" he nodded "it's just gonna be for a month" a month!?

"No, Dal" I cling onto him. "This isn't fair" I cry. There was no hiding it.

"I know...hey, look at me" he took my chin in his fingers "you stay tuff. You keep your head down in there. Watch out for Skye, and she'll do the same. Don't get smart with the guards. Okay?" He instructed. I nodded.

"I don't wanna go" I whisper.

"I know...I can't do anything about it though..I'm sorry. It's gonna be fine, I promise.....I love ya, Brooke" he said it...he finally said it.

"I love ya to, Dal" I hug him tighter.

"Pony wants ya" he looked back to Pony who was waiting anxiously for Dal to let go of me. I nodded and as soon as Dal backed up, pony engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm gonna miss ya Pones" I was muffled by his shoulder. He didn't say anything but hug me tighter.

"I love you, Brooke. Don't forget it. I'm gonna write to you everyday week" he promised.

"I love you" I whispered. "I know...I love you to"

"Alright. Times up" the officer banged against the cell bars. I had hardly notice Tim here and was hugging Angela. I felt awful bad for Mandy and Jess, non of their parents came.

"Let's go girls" a few officers came and grabbed us, pulling us out and away, leaving the gang standing their in tears. I couldn't do anything but cry as they pulled us away and out into a cruiser.

Skye and I in one car, the other three girls in another. Skye and I were both just crying to each other. All I wanted was my big brother.

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