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Skye's POV

"Let's go Matthews," Jack ordered. For once, I kept my mouth shut.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to get a crack at Alex and Abbie, but not like this. 

We made our way to their block.  This was the first time I saw some of the other cells.  We arrived at Brooke's cell. 

"What the hell?" One of the girls said, I wasn't sure if it was Abbie or Alex.

"We're here to teach you a lesson," Jack said coolly.  She actually reminded me a Tim Shepard. Other words were a said, but I was trying to communicate silently to Brooke, hoping she would stay out of it.

The fight was on after that. I really wasn't putting my all into it. I didn't want to be doing this!  I was fighting with Debbie. One of the girls jumped on my back, in a flash Brooke tackled her.

Suddenly, a guard is pulling me away. She look at Debbie and calls for help to get her to the infirmary. I was ushered back to my bunk, but not before I was saw Debbie, laying on the ground. I had a flashback to Tori. Oh my god...did we kill her?

Jack, Susie and me all sat on our bunks. Jack and Susie looked like they were completely chill about what happened. I, on the other hand, wanted to vomit. I didn't know what was going to happened.

Three guards came to the bunk, "Mathews," she barked, "on your feet, now!" I quickly did as I was told. I felt the metal handcuffs cut into my wrists. It hurt, but I sure as hell wasn't going to show it. She roughly drug me down the hallway. I knew exactly where I was going...the quiet room. The guard shoved me into the dark, dank, tiny cell. There was a toilet, sink, and a small dirty mattress in the floor, "enjoy your stay. You're not gettin' out of her until your 30 days are up." She slammed the door.

"17 days, Skye...you can handle 17 days." I sat down on the mattress and curled up into a ball. I finally allowed the tears to fall that I had been keeping at bay. I had no idea what was going on with Brooke or the other girls. I had no idea if Debbie was alive. Did I kill her? That made me cry harder. I vomited into the toilet. Am I a murderer?

Angela's POV

Jess and Mandy plopped next to me for supper, "did ya hear?" Mandy started to say.

"Of course I heard!" I snapped, "Winston and Matthews are in solitary and that other broad is down in the infirmary."

"Do you know what happened to the other girls?"

I shook my head, "I don't, but the fact that none one does means it's bad...it's real bad."

A few days past and a guard banged on my cell, "Shepard, ya gotta visitor."

She led me to the visiting area. My brother sat on the stool. I grabbed the phone, "Hey Tim."

"How ya holdin' up, Ang?"

I glanced around, "I need you to get a message to Dally and Two-Bit." His face immediately clouded with concern, "Brooke and Skye are in solitary...it sounds like they're gonna be there for awhile."

Tim shook his head, "you know what happened?"

I stared at my brother, "not really, but those two are loyal to a fault."

My brother chuckled, "you and Tori were the same way."

I felt a sharp pain in my heart, "I know." I whispered, "bye Tim." I knew my time with him wasn't up, but what he said about Tori hit a little to close to home.

Tim's POV

I lit a smoke and drove to the Curtis house, just as I figured, the whole gang was there. I sat down on the arm of the couch.

"Whaddya need, Tim?" Darry put his paper down. I swear all that guy does is work an' read the paper.

"Winston and Matthews are in solitary again...this time until the end of their sentence." With that, I walked out. I didn't wanna be around when Ol' Dally and Two-Bit hit the roof.

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