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Skye's POV

Brooke, Angela, Jess, and Mandy filed into my bedroom. I assumed Two was staying at Buck's so I had Brooke help me lug it into my room. Once we were settled, I nudged Ang, "how'd Tim take the news?"

She rolled her eyes, "he freaked out. Typical Tim," she snickered, "he thinks you an' Winston are bad influences."

That made me chuckle, "our brothers think the same thing about you."

Brooke turned to Jess and Mandy, "how bout you guys?"

"Our dads don't give a shit what we do," Jess scoffed.

"That and my Ma is either drunk or hooking," Mandy chimed in.

"And people wonder why most of us greasers are fucked up." I meant it as a joke, but it came out pretty harsh.

"What's your excuse, Skye?" Ang turned to me, "you gotta it pretty well made."  She lounged back on my bed.

"Whaddya mean?"

"You're the only one of us that actually has a parental figure," Ang pulled a nail file out of her purse and started filing her nails.

"Ma works 2 jobs.  She ain't hardly home. The old man walked out on us a few years ago."  That was all I said.  I sure as hell wasn't gonna go into the details of why my dad left, "where are your parents?"

She shrugged, "probably dead or in jail somewhere.  Tim's been raising me since I was about 4."

"How old are y'all anyways?" Brooke asked.

"16," replied Angela. Jess and Mandy were 15.

"What's Carrie and Nicole's story?" Brooke asked.

Angela leaned back on my bed, "they been with us ever since I can remember.  They got brothers that run with the Brumly's.  Anyway, they didn't get along great with Meg and Tess so they decided join up with Tim."

"Carrie's ma works the same street corner as mine does," Mandy added.

Angela turned her attention to me, "how did Two-Bit get in with Darrel Curtis?"

"Two and Dare have been buddies forever.  Mrs. Curtis and my ma were best friends.  Soda and Steve have been best buddies since kindergarten.  I grew up with Pony."

"Why did Dally pick their gang over Tim's?" Brooke asked.

Angela laughed, "only two people have every beaten Tim in a fight...Darrel Curtis and Dallas Winston.  Dally refused to be in a gang where he could beat the leader."

I explained, "Darry is the only one who has ever beaten Dally in fight.  No one has ever beaten Darry in a fight."

Steve's POV

I leaned against the porch, smoking my cigarette.  I wasn't that upset that Skye and Brooke formed another gang.  Figured it was bound to happen sooner or later.  The girls need their own identity, outside of us.  Hell, I admired them for doing it.

Soda joined me after a bit, "you doin' ok?"

"Yeah, Soda...y'all acting like they died or something."

"I know, but they're like my little sisters, ya know.  I wanna protect them, just like I protect Ponyboy."

I threw my arm around his shoulder, "I know, but I think they'll surprise you.  You forget that both of them have been dealt a shitty hand.  They're tough."

Soda looked up at me, his eyes had a sadness to them, "they're tough, but they're reckless.  I'm worried about them.  Those girls are gonna change Skye and Brooke.  I just hope we don't lose them."

Soda turned to go back inside...I didn't like what he said.  I didn't like it at all.

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