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Skye's POV

I laid in bed, tossing and turning.  My brain had tornados swirling through it.  I couldn't stop thinking about the gang; both of them to be honest.  I wanted out of Mitchell's Gang and back in with the guys.

Plink. The noise got me out of my thoughts.  Plink, plink. I got up and opened my window, thinking it was Brooke...unfortunately, it was Angela and Mandy, "Skye, let's go!"

I groaned, "now what?"

"C'mon, we gotta get Winston," she insisted urgently.

I remembered what Brooke said about Angela ditching her the other day, "Brooke's sick," I lied as I climbed out my window, "she's been puking all night."

Angela rolled her eyes, "fine, guess it's just us."She turned on her heel and started walking away.

"Where are we going?" I asked, jogging to keep up.

"We need to pay a little visit to Meg Brumly," Ang continued to walk toward the direction of the Brumly territory.

"Why?" I asked.  Honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was go to see Meg.

Angela whipped around, "you don't need to know why.  We have each other's backs.  No questions asked." She was clearly annoyed.

"No," I stopped in my tracks, "you expect everyone to have your back.  You didn't have Brooke's back when the fuzz came after ya.  You ran with your tail between your legs like a pussy."  I accused.  I was pissed, livid even.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me.  You talk about watching out for each other, but in reality, it's all about you!  You're a selfish bitch."  That was unbelievably satisfying to say.

"I'm in charge!  You do what I tell ya too!" Angela turned on me.

"And if I don't?"

"I'll...I'll!" Angela was  at a loss for words.

"You'll what? Finish your sentence?" I stood toe to toe with her, "take away my birthday? I wanna know why we are going to Brumly's."

Angela pursed her lips and glared at me, "you gotta a lot nerve, Matthews."  I turned my back and started walking away, but Angela grabbed me by my hair and yanked me backwards, "you're coming with us, whether you like it or not!  You're in my gang, you will do as I say."

She let go of my hair and I spun around.  All I saw was red.  We must have started fighting because, next thing, I know, Two-Bit is pulling me away, while Angela is screaming at me. 

I wiped the blood away from my nose and watch Angela spit out blood, "go home, Matthews, and that's an order!"

I opened my mouth to say something, but Two-Bit just pulled me away. We walked in silence until he turned to me, "sneaking out again?"

"I thought it was Brooke.  She sleeps at our house sometimes when things get tough with Dal."

Two-Bit's look softened, "I didn't know that."

"Angela wanted to go down to Brumly's turf.  Wouldn't tell me why."

He shoved his hands in his pockets, "she didn't hurt ya too bad, did she?"

"Naw, I was just so mad."

He chuckled, "I could tell, I think you did more damage to her anyway."  He lit a smoke and handed me one.

"Ummm, Two?..." he looked at me, waiting, "I think...I think...me and Brooke may be in over our head.  You were right...All of ya.  We shoulda listened.  I'm sorry."  I felt a tear escape my eye.

Two-Bit pulled me into him, "hey, we all fuck up.  Don't beat yourself up too badly about it.  If I was your age, I probably woulda done the same thing."

I hugged him back, "thanks, Two."

He let go of me and started walking again, "Damn, wish I had that on tape," I cocked my eyebrow at him, "no one is gonna believe that you said I was right."

I pushed him gently and laughed, "I sure ain't gonna admit it!"  I finally felt like Two-Bit and I were 100% ok again.

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