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Skye's POV

I woke up and saw I was half on the bed, half off.  Two-Bit was sprawled out, taking up almost the whole thing, "ugh! Get up!" I pushed him, "you were only suppose to stay in here until I fell asleep!"

Two-Bit pushed me back, making me fall on the floor, "Every time I tried, you woke up and begged me to stay!"

"Yeah...ok..." I muttered, but didn't push it.  He may have been telling the truth. I left to go take a shower and get ready for school. I pulled on my denim shorts, my red tank top, and pulled on my black converse. I threw a black button up on over my tank top and knotted it in the front. I left my hair down for once. It's usually in a messy bun or ponytail. I liked the soft wave that it had to it.

Two-Bit dropped me off at school just as Dally was pulling up with Brooke. Neither of them looked overly thrilled. Brooke got outta the car, "I'll ya up," Dally started to speak, but Brooke slammed the door, ignoring him. She brushed past me and Two-Bit, storming toward the school.

"She sure does have his temper." Two remarked. I ignored him and ran to catch up with Brooke.

"Hey! Wait!" I called to her. She stopped and glared at me, "what the hell was that?"

She rolled her eyes, "Dal an me got in a fight last night."

"Bout what?"

"He got drunk again last night! I hate it when he drinks and he knows it! I just wished he actually cared about me!" I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say, "god, why can't he be more like Two-Bit!"

"First off, he does care, he just gotta weird way of showing it, ya know? And we do NOT need another Two-Bit."

"But you and him get along so well."

I couldn't deny that. He was a pretty good brother, "yeah, but we also have our moments.  If Dal didn't care bout ya, he wouldn't be so hell bent on you not turning out like him."

"Yeah...guess you're right, he could sent me back to New York or threw me out on the street."

"Why did he leave you?"

She sadly shook her head, "I don't know."

Pony had come up then and pulled Brooke into him.  She waved and they walked away together.  I felt bad for her, things were only gonna get tougher.  She needed Dal to actually be a brother.  He must care about her in his own way.  I shook my head and turned the corner, "watch where you're going, white trash!"

I ran smack into Cherry, "oh just the bitch I wanted to see.  Meet me and Brooke in the bathroom before lunch.  We gotta council to set up."  I really wanted to punch her face in.

"Didn't you like our art in the bathroom?" She called after me.  I flicked her off and kept walking.

Brooke and I lit up a cigarette while we waited for Cherry to come in.  I had no idea if she was gonna show or not.  The bathroom wall still had the marker on it, but I was too angry to care. 

Cherry walked in and acted like she didn't even see us.  Brooke stepped forward, "War Council, 7pm at the Tastee Freeze."

She feigned shock, "you're going to call a rumble over this?" She motioned to the wall behind her.

"Damn straight, we are!" I jabbed a finger in her face, "Darry told Bob what would happen if you fucked with us again."

I thought I saw fear in her eyes, "fine...Friday at 7."  She flipped her hair, "didn't realize the two of you couldn't take a harmless joke."

I clenched my fist in anger, "I'm gonna..."

Brooke grabbed my arm, "not now, Skye."  If looks could kill, Cherry would be dead, "Friday, 7pm."  Cherry left the bathroom, laughing.

"Shoulda let me hit her." I grumbled.

Brooke ignored me, "when do we talk to the others?"

"Tonight."  I walked out of the bathroom and pushed open the front doors.  I was done for the fuckin' day.

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