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Skye's POV

Angela sat in between me and Brooke, clinging to us like we were the only ones holding her together. I stared at the casket, guilt eating me alive. If I hadn't jumped Cherry a few months ago, there wouldn't have been a rumble in the first place. Tori would still be here. I may not have pulled the trigger, but I loaded the heater.

After the pastor got done speaking, I stopped listening after awhile, Tori's mom stood up at the podium with the help of Lyle. Her hands shook as she unfolded a sheet of paper, she took a shaky breath, "Tori was my baby. She lit up a room just by walking into it, her smile contagious, her laughter, music to my ears." She wiped her eyes before continuing, "I don't know the details surrounding my daughter's death, and frankly, I don't want to know. I do not want my daughter remembered for how she died. I want my daughter to be remembered for how she lived." She broke down in tears and was helped off the alter.

Angela got up to speak. I couldn't keep it together. I kept thinking about how happy I was that it wasn't Brooke, which made me feel even more terrible. I just don't know what I would do without her.  Brooke was bawling too.  We both looked at each other as Tim helped Angela move from the alter.

I stared oh the window as Two-Bit drove me back home so I could change out of my dress, "Skye? You ok?"


"Are you ok?  How's your wound?"

"I'm fine.  I'll be righty back," I said as he parked the car.  I pulled on my over sized sweat shirt and a pair of leggings before running out to Two's car.  I just wanted to go be with the gang.

A week went by and school was finally done, not that Brooke and I really went that last week.  Neither of us were in a good place.  How could we be?  Tori was shot right in front of us.  Our smoking increased, hell, our drinking increased.  Every time I closed my eyes, I would see her laying in a pool of blood.  I just wanted to forget.

I don't think Brooke was sleeping much either.  She had dark circles under her eyes.  We didn't joke around like we used too.  Some days, we would just sit in my room and stare at the wall or we'd be in her room, listening to the rowdiness of the bar.  Usually we were at the Curtis's, like today.  Brooke and I on the couch, she was cuddling with Pony, and I was with Steve.  Pony had just started a movie when Darry called for them Pony and Steve.  Normally, we would have followed, but instead Brooke laid her head on my shoulder and I rested my head on hers.  I closed my eyes, hoping to get just a little bit of sleep.

Soda's POV

Dally leaned against the counter, "what are we gonna do about those two?" He gestured toward the living room.

I sighed, "Dal, they saw a kid get shot.  They each got stabbed.  I'd be worried if they weren't acting like this."

"Brooke ain't eatin', man!"

"Skye ain't eatin' either," Two-Bit added.

Pony leaned into me and I put my arm around him, "I'm worried too."

I looked over at Darry, "well, they start community service on Monday.  That will force them to get out of the house at least.  They're doing it with Angela and two of the others girls."

Dally looked angry, "we need to fix them now!  I don't like Brooke actin' like this!"

Two-Bit put a hand on Dally's shoulder, "it don' work that way.  We gotta be patient with em, let them know that we are there for them, but that's it."

Dally grumbled as he lit a smoke, "that's bullshit!"  I had to smile a bit.  As much as the situation sucks, it's kinda nice to see Dally act like a brother, for once.

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