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Skye's POV

"You're skipping again?" I rolled my eyes as Pony, Johnny, Steve, Brooke, and I got out of Two-Bit's car.

"Yup, me and Dally got some stuff to do."

"So getting hammered in Keith language," I translated for the rest.

My brother grinned and tugged my ponytail, "possibly. Don't cause no trouble today, got it?"

"Yes Dad," me and Brooke said at the same time, causing everyone to laugh. We headed in to school. The boys headed to their lockers.

"I gotta pee," Brooke motioned toward the bathroom.

"So go."

She grabbed my arm, "Remember Darry's rule?" I followed after her.

She went into a stall and I leaned against the wall and lit a smoke. As soon as I took my puff, the bathroom door swung open. In walked 8 girls and Cherry. Two of the girls had bike chains. I was kinda scared, but kinda impressed at the same time, "y'all can't fight fair. There's 9 of you...2 of us...and you felt the need to bring chains." Apparently, they knew Brooke and I weren't easy to take down.

Brooke came out of the bathroom and stood beside me, "what's going on?"

Cherry stepped forward, "you wrecked my car AND took my man."

I folded my arms, "yeah guilty on the car, but we wouldn't touch Bob if he was last guy on earth."

Brooke snorted, "yeah, that guy's basically a walking STD." The bell rang, "you skanks better get to class." Brooke tried to push past them, but the one that slapped me yesterday, did the same to Brooke, leaving a similar mark to mine.

Flash back

Two-Bit and I were 10 and 14. He was teaching me to fight. "The only thing you need to remember to let them start the fight...you finish it."

I lunged at the soc and punch her in the face. It turned into an all out brawl, unfortunately, me and Brooke were a touch out numbered. One of the girls wielding the bike chain caught me in the face, splitting my cheek open.  Brooke had a gash on her eyebrow from the other one chain.

A few of the cheerleaders ran out, allowing me and Brooke to gain the upper hand. We each got a few punches in before the door opened and the principal and a few other teachers entered the bathroom. They pulled us apart and haul us to the principal office.

It wasn't long before a very pissed off Two-Bit and Dally came to pick us up, "Dal, we didn't," Brooke tried to say something as she held an ice pack to her cheek.

Dally had that dangerous look in his eye, "don't say another goddamn thing!  You and Matthews are done!" He pulled Brooke up and they stormed out.

Two-Bit shook his head at me, almost disgusted, "let's go," he hauled me out by arm. I don't think he even realized that me and Brooke probably needed stitches.

"Two-Bit," I pulled his arm, silently begging him to listen.

"What?" He growled.

"You won't even let us explain?"

"Not now Skye!" He turned and yelled at me. Dally and Brooke were already in Two's car. I climbed in next to Brooke as Two peeled out.

"Dally," Brooke said, almost pleading, "please listen to us."

Our brothers ignored us until we got to the Curtis's, "get outta our sight, now!"

Brooke and I rushed into Ponyboy's rooms. "We gotta make them listen!" Brooke cried out.

I paced the room, "we will." I sat next to her, "how's your brow?"

"Don't worry bout it. How's your cheek?"

I sighed, "I'm fine." She leaned against me and I put my arms around her, "it's gonna be ok! They'll come around," I was trying to keep the fear out of my voice. The pain from my cut actually scared me and I wanted Two-Bit to fix it. Brooke and I bawled into each other until we both fell asleep, flopped over each other like newborn kittens.

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