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Darry's POV

"Was the Tastee Freeze we weren't suppose to come too?" Skye asked quietly after they were busted.

Man, she's acting more and more Two-Bit each day! I glanced around the room. Most of the greasers were frowning. I was irritated as well, "what part of stay home do you two not understand?!" I barked out harshly. "Go in the truck and wait for us!"

"I'll skin both of ya myself if you're not there!" Dally threatened. The girls took off without looking back.

Tim Shepard smirked, "those girls are gonna give ya a run for your money." Dally and Two-Bit glared at him.

We finished the war council. The rumble would take place a week from now, in the vacant lot at 9pm. Skin on skin, but the Socs wanted Skye and Brooke to fight in it as well. As much as I didn't like it, we agreed because if we didn't, then they wanted chains and knives.

The second we got home; Dal, Two, and I started laying into the girls. Skye took the blame and Dally went off on her. Everyone was surprised when she got in his face, yelling back at him. I told Dally to take a walk and he and Brooke left.

I went into the kitchen to grab a beer and when I came out, Skye was on Two-Bit's lap, crying and shaking. Two made a comment about not protecting her, which was odd because Two was just as protective of her as I am of Soda and Ponyboy. She ended up crying herself to sleep and Two-Bit gently laid her on the couch and covered her up.

Two-Bit went into the kitchen and I followed him, "alright man, start talkin'".

Two-Bit cracked a beer and sighed heavily, "whaddya want me to say?"

"What the hell is going on with your sister? She's always been walking on egg shells, but this is getting worse." I folded my arms across my chest, "I wanna know what the hell is going on?"

I wasn't prepared for the answer.

Two-Bit's POV

"Skye was molested, by our uncle for 3 years before my ma found out. I guess the Old Man took his side. Something bout Skye deserving it." The more I said it out loud, the more real it was and the angrier I got, "I wasn't there for her! I didn't even find out until a few weeks ago! This asshole touched her for 3 fucking years and I didn't stop it!" I punched the wall, leaving a dent.

"Two-Bit," Darry put his hand on my shoulder. He looked devastated and pissed at the same time, "first off, it's not your damn fault! Your uncle is a sick fuck. Second off, you and Skye have the entire gang...we're gonna get both of you through this. Who all knows?"

"I think everyone but Pony, Johnny, and Dally."

He nodded and headed out into the living room.

Skye's POV

I woke when I heard a loud thud from the kitchen. Two-Bit was telling Darry! I sat up quickly, but Steve sat down, "Skye, it's ok!" I curled up into a ball while Steve rubbed my back, "hey, Skye, it's ok! Nobody will hold this against you."

Darry and Two-Bit came out of the kitchen. Darry knelt down in front of me and put his hands on my knees, "Skye," he whispered gently. I didn't know Darry could be gentle, "I'm sorry and I'm sorry if I ever scared you or made you uncomfortable." He pushed some hair out of my face, "what happened to you is horrible and it's on your uncle and your dad. Not you. Do you understand me?" Before I knew it, I was hugging Darry and he was hugging me back.

Two and I stayed at the Curtis's. Darry said he would tell Pony and Johnny. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I didn't have to hide or be afraid anymore.

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