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Skye's POV

I sat in front of Two-Bit as he pulled my hair into a French Braid just like he always did before a rumble.  I brought a beer to my lips, shaking slightly.  Two tied off my braid and pinned it tightly to the back of my head.

Once he was done, I went and changed. I threw on my black leggings and red tank top. Both of them hugged my body, making it hard to get caught or pulled.

The tension in the room was thick. Usually the guys were joking around, laughing, and trash talking before a rumble, but tonight was different. This wasn't a skin on skin fight, this was weapons...chains, knives, brass knuckles...this was dangerous shit.

The walk to the lot was deathly quiet. My brother wasn't even talking. Steve held my hand, I hoped he couldn't feel me shaking. Once we arrived, Brooke and I both lit up. Dally pulled Brooke aside and Two-Bit came over to me, "be careful out there Skye. Remember to use you feet when you can. Those," he pointed to the brass knuckles, "could really hurt your hands." He gave me a quick hug, "come back here untouched, you got me?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "love ya Two-Bit."

Soda and Darry hugged me tightly. Steve kissed me passionately. Johnny, Brooke, Pony, and I shared a group hug. Dally even gave me a light punch in the arm, "Matthews, you and Brooke make sure you watch you back."

Brooke and I walked toward the other girls. I put on my best poker face and tried to slow my beating heart. I was scared, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna show it. I counted 12 girls. Shepard recruited a few more. Angela tossed her smoke down, "what's the plan, Matthews?"

"Hit em hard and fast. Watch your backs. They have at least two more on us. Probably more since we know they ain't playing by the rules. The best chance we got is if we come out swinging hard." The girls nodded, "Winston?" I caught her eyes, "anything to add."

She smirked and I swear I was looking at Dallas, "don't die."

As if on cue, the Socs rolled up. The broads stepped onto the grass. I was disappointed, I was hoping they wore their cheerleader uniforms. Brooke and I stepped forward. Cherry and the stupid bitch that cut me with a chain met us in the

Before they could say anything, I punched the girl in the face and felt the kick back of the knuckles, damn, I'm gonna bust a finger by the end of the night. The girl fell and I kicked her in the ribs as hard as I could before moving one. Angela and Tori were holding their own from what I could see. Pain erupted in my head as I took a punch in the nose. Blood poured from my nose as I punched the girl back. She shoved me to the ground, but I was able to get to my feet.

I grabbed a bike chain from the ground and whipped it at the girl. It must have hit here cause she cried out in pain. I kept throwing punches, each one hurt more than the last. I had blood running into my eyes from a gash on my forehead. I quickly wiped my eyes and focused on the next soc. I raised my fists so I could start punching her, but something caught my eye, is that?

I didn't get a chance to finish my thought. I heard a loud pop and everyone started panicking. I took my eyes off of my enemy. The knife went in before I felt the searing pain. My hands immediately went to the knife. The soc who stabbed me fled, leaving the knife in my side.

My hand went to my side and my fingers found warm blood. My eyes widened as I sunk to my knees. I tried to find Brooke, but I couldn't. Instead my eyes landed on Tori, she lay in a pool of her own blood. The moonlight just bright enough for to see the bullet hole.

My head swam, my eyes became fuzzy, and my world got smaller and darker. I collapsed on the ground, fading off into the soothing darkness.

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