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Brooke's POV
I woke in bed. Not an old, rough bed like the one in the girls home, my bed, and I was grateful for it. Last I remembered was being at the Curtis'?..Dal most have carried me back home.

I rubbed my eyes, standing from my bed lazily. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit, but better then when I came home yesterday.

I walked down bucks stairs slowly. My body was still waking up, especially after a good night sleep like last nights. When I got to the bottom, I saw Dal at one of tables eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning" he said before taking another spoonful of cereal. "Morning" I mumbled before sitting down.

"Fixed ya a bowl" he pushed a bowl of cereal to me. That was strange. He never makes me breakfast? I could already feel the pity from him, and I didn't like it.

"Thanks" I took only a few bites before I was finished. I hadn't had an appetite lately.

"That's all you gonna eat?" He furrowed his brow. I nodded before standing. "Where ya going?" He asked.

"Curtis'..Skye's probably there" I replied as I headed to the door. "I'll drive ya, I wanna come along" he stated. I rolled my eyes mentally.

Once we got to the Curtis', I wasted no time before going inside. I spotted Skye on the couch as she cuddled next to Steve. I'm guessing she slept here with Twobit. I sat down next to her as Dal went to the kitchen.

"Hey" I greeted. She did the same.

"Can I barrow Skye for a minute" I barley asked Steve before grabbing Skye and pulling her outside.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Twobit doing the same shit to you?" I raise a brow.

"What kind of shit?"

"Making sure your eating, driving you everywhere, watching your every move...fucking over overwhelming man" I explain.

She nods "ya...hell, Twobit basically tackled me this morning for going for a hot coffee pot" she said sarcastically. I'm glad to see she hasn't lost her touch. "did you talk to Angela or the other girls yet?" She asked. I shook my head "you?" She did the same.

"We could talk to Ang today?" I suggest. I wanted to make sure she was doing okay anyways. Skye nodded. We both went back inside.

"Skye and I are gonna go out" I announce to nobody in particular.

"What?" Twobit asked, followed by Dal's "where?"

Skye and I both shared an annoyed look.

"Angela's" Skye in formed.

"Well, I can drive y'all" Twobit stood.

"It's okay" I shook my head. "Skye and I need to talk anyways" I said, earning weird looks from most of the guys. "Girl things" Skye adds. I nod in agreement. The guys only nodded, not saying anything else.

Skye and I headed out of the house and on our way to Shepard's. "so do you know where Jess and Mandy are staying?" I question as I lit a cancer stick. Skye shook her head. "Nope. But Angela will" she said.

We made our way to Angela's house. "You wanna knock?" Skye prepared. I went ahead and knocked on the door. Surprisingly, her brother, Curly, answered. He looked us up and down. "Why, hello ladies" he smirked.

"Fuck off, Curly" Skye said. He rolled his eyes but yelled for Angela. She came rushing down the stairs.

"Oh..Mathews, Winston..come on up" she lead us up to her room. It was kinda messy, but I ain't judging. Skye and I took a seat on the bed like she suggested for us to do.

"So what brings ya guys around?" She lights a smoke. Skye and I share a look.

"Tim doing the same Shit to you?" Skye got right to the point. It was kinda hard to imagine Tim Shepard being all caring and shit, but I wouldn't put it past him when it comes to family.

"Ya" she sighed. "Barley can go anywhere without him or Curls" she said.

"You talk to Jess or Mandy yet?" I asked.

"Ya, I did. There at home" Angela nodded. We all sat in silence for a minute, until Angela stood. "Hey, you girls up for something?" She raised a brow. Skye and I shared yet, another look.

"Like what?" Skye questioned.

"Look, I heard some of those soc girls have their 'gang' put together and made...you girls up for forming our own?..something to prove our brothers we ain't no kids"

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