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Skye's POV

Two-Bit stayed the night with me after convincing Ma to go to work. She wanted to stay, but I told her I was fine. She said she would come back in the morning. Dally stayed the night too. I was shocked, but at the same time was relieved that Dal was actually being a brother.

Dal and Two-Bit were snoring softly. I was wide awake. Every time I closed my eyes, I would see Tori, laying on the ground, in her own blood, staring blankly. Tori was only a year older than me and Brooke. I know she had an older brother that ran with Shepard. I know her and Angela were real close. Poor Angela must be a wreck and Tim too. I can't imagine how Darry would react if someone from his gang died.

I thought about Meg and Tess. No one has heard from them since the rumble. Brooke and me were they only ones hurt bad enough to go to the hospital. Well, that one bitch did say she would make me sorry. I thought bitterly.


"Yeah Brookie?"

"How do ya think Angela's doing?"

I shrugged, turning to look at her.  I could only twist my body so far around.  The knife cut me real deep.  I hadn't told anyone, not even Brooke, but the doc said if the knife had been pulled out, I woulda died.  "I doubt she's ok.  Her and Tori have been friends as long as I can remember."  I suddenly didn't wanna talk anymore, "go to sleep Brooke."

She rolled over and soon I heard her breathing change and I knew she was asleep.  I slowly got out of bed.  My side protesting to my every move, but I needed a smoke.  Careful not to wake anyone, I maneuvered my IV pole along with me.  I managed to get out of my room with little trouble.  I made my way down to the courtyard.  I leaned up against the wall, catching my breath before lighting up, "honey?" I turned toward the voice.  A nurse was outside having a cigarette as well, "you ain't suppose to out here, sugar."

"I know.  I just needed to get outta that bed.  And I wanna smoke."

The nurse laughed and actually helped me light my cancer stick, "you and that other girl were in a bad fight."

I inhaled, "it was supposed to be a rumble...skin on skin...fair fight."  I felt my anger rise, "not knives or chains, certainly not heaters."  She looked at me confused, "guns."

"You don't look old enough to be in that type of fight."

"I'm 14.  Most of us have served jail time by my age.  Hell, in 2-3 years, most of the girls round here will be mamas."  I though back to Tori, "some of us die before we had a chance to live."  She didn't say anything, "I don't expect you to understand."

She sighed as she stubbed out her smoke, "let's get you back in bed." 

I didn't sleep at all.  I was still awake when my Ma showed up, followed by two policemen, "Skye Matthews?"  I nodded, "we need to ask you some questions." 

I glanced at Brooke who was still sleeping.  Dally, on the other hand, was glaring daggers at the fuzz, "um ok?"

"What happened two nights ago?"

"Us and the Socs had a rumble."


"Why not?" I shot back.

Ma gave me a look and the officer didn't look amused, "fine," I rolled my eyes, "we called a rumble to settle some pointless drama that Cherry Valence started.  It was suppose to be a fair fight."

"Did you see what happened to Tori Mitchell?"

"Yeah, Cherry shot her."


"How the fuck should I know?  Those shady bitches broke the fuckin' rules!  It was supposed to be skin on skin!  But no, those fuckin' privileged bitches had to get weapons involved!  Ya know how rumbles I've been in?"  The officers exchanged glances, "I've been in 7 of them!  All of them skin on skin except this one!"

"Skye," Ma squeezed my shoulder, "calm down."

"Did you know Tori Mitchell?"


"Were the two of you friends?"

"We had each other's back, but we run with different groups."

"Who shot Tori?"

"I already told you!  Cherry Valance!"  I could keep the tears back any longer.  I bawled like a baby into my brother while my mom spoke to the officers.

Once I calmed down, I could hear them talking to Brooke.  She basically said the same thing I did.  At least our stories matched, I thought to myself. 

Ma handed me a letter, "what's this?"

"You and Brooke are going to have to go community service." She said in a disappointed tone.

I rolled my eyes, fan-fucking-tasting

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