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Skye's POV

"I was confronted by a few cheerleaders in the bathroom. They said this isn't over."

"What?" Two-Bit looked angry.

"That's how you go that cut!" Steve looked a little angry and something else?

That went over well. Dally took off after me and Brooke told the guys about the bathroom incident. I could tell that Brooke wanted to go after him, Two-Bit went instead.

Pony came over and put his arm around Brooke, "nothing's gonna happen. We all got your back." He nodded toward me too.

"Skye," Steve was putting his jacket on, "let's go have a smoke." Pony and Brooke started to follow, "just us." He said firmly.

I glanced at Brooke, who shrugged at me in return. I pulled on my hoodie, grabbed my smokes, and stepped out onto the porch. I lit my smoke and took a drag, "what's up, Steve?"

"You lied to me."

"No, I didn't."

"What would you call it?"

"Withholding information," I flicked my ashes.

Steve turned toward me, "You can trust me, ya know."

I stared at him, wearily, not exactly sure where this conversation was going, "yeah.  Just didn't think it was a big deal."

Steve moved closer to me, "you getting hurt is a big deal...to your brother, the gang...me". 

I had that butterfly feeling in my stomach again, "uh yeah, I'll keep that mind next time."

Steve's thumb brushed softly against my cheek, "please do."  With that he turned back inside, leaving me all sorts of confused.

Ponyboy's POV

I cuddled with Brooke on the couch. I hated the thought of her getting hurt or being scared, "Darry, we gotta do something."

Soda stood up from the poker table, "I agree, but as Darry said before, we don't know what they mean. Broads definitely fight differently than guys do."

Brooke could tell I was getting frustrated. She kissed my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head, "I'll always protect you."

Darry's POV

I knew my brothers were right...we needed to do something, but I didn't want to jump the gun by calling another rumble. Steve had come back inside followed by Skye. I went and got the first aid kit from the bathroom. I knelt besides Skye, "I want to look at that cut." She nodded and allowed me to clean it with peroxide.

Once that was done, I stood and paced around the room. I took a good look at Brooke and Skye; they were only 14 but they both had an older look to them. Both had been through so much pain in the short 14 years of their lives. It wasn't right. They were still kids. "Here's what's going to happen, you two need to be with one of us at all times except when you're in class. I don't even want you smoking on the porch outside by yourself." Skye opened her mouth, probably with some sarcastic remark. I held up my hand, "just until we figure this out." Neither girl looked thrilled with the plan, but as I stated before, they are still kids.

Skye's POV

Neither Dal or Two came back so we ended up staying the night.  Brooke and I took Ponyboy's room while he slept with Soda.  I rolled onto my back and stared up at the dark ceiling, "You awake too?" Brooke's voice came from the other side of the bed.

"Yeah, this whole thing is shit."

"I know," she got quiet, then asked, "what did Steve want earlier?"

"He was a little upset that I lied to him about the bathroom incident," I snickered a little, "I wasn't lying, I just withheld information."

"He really is into ya, you know that, right?" I didn't respond right away, "Skye?"

"You got it wrong, Brookie.  I'm damaged goods.  Besides, even if I liked him back, he's outta my league."

"But Skye..."

"Good night, Brooke," as far as I was concerned the conversation was over.

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