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Skye's POV

It was kinda cool, getting inked like that, especially since it was for Tori.  I'be always liked Tori.  I wish we coulda hung out more than what we did, but we ran with different gangs.

Brooke and I headed back toward my house, "I don't want Dal to see my tattoo yet. Can I stay with you?"

"Course ya can! I don't want Two to see it either." For the first time in my life, I felt like I had something that was just mine.

Tim's POV

Angela's been hanging out with the Matthews and Winston girls. I thought it was a little odd, but what the hell, at least she's getting out of the house, ya know.

The house was quiet for once, Ang was out with the girls and I'm sure Curly was hanging out with his new girl. Things with Socs had settled down, hoping we don't have to deal with that anytime soon.

I zone out, listening to the tv when my younger brother came in the house, "Tim! You gotta hear this!"

I rolled my eye, "what?" I grumbled.

"Angela started her own gang."

That caught my attention, "how'd you hear that?"

"Maddie Severs told me that she inked a few girls...Angela, Skye Matthews, and Brooke Winston were a in the group."

I clenched my jaw, anger starting to take hold of me. Matthews and Winston were nothing but trouble. I grabbed my jacket, "I'm heading to Curtis's." I jabbed my finger at him, "when Angela gets home, you tell her that she is in for a world of hurt."

Two-Bit's POV

I walked into Darry's house as Tim Shepard was coming out. I could hear Dally cussing a mile a minute. Soda and Steve sat at the poker table. Pony and Johnny were on the couch. Pony seemed upset, but the kid's pretty sensitive.

"What's goin' on?" I asked as I joined the card game.

"Our idiot sisters decided to form their own gang with a few girls from Shepard's!" Dally was pissed, "apparently they got inked too!"

"I'm sure they didn't. They're probably tired of hanging out with only guys," I frowned, "Dal, you making a bigger deal outta this than it is."

"So you're fuckin' ok with Skye having a tattoo?"

"No, I'm just saying that we shouldn't freak out until we know the full story...Curly ain't a real reliable source...". Dally grumbled some more, but dropped the subject.  We just need to wait for the girls to come to the house.

Skye's POV

Brooke and I, both wearing t-shirts, walked over to the Curtis's.  Our tats were healing nicely.  It was kinda fun being in our own gang.  We hadn't done anything too crazy yet...we were talking about claiming our own turf, but that was still up in the air.

The guys were all in the living room when we walked in.  Dally leapt out of his chair first.  He was on Brooke in a second, "did you get a fuckin' tattoo?!" he screamed in her face.  She looked at me, not knowing what to do or say, "did you really form your own gang?!  Answer me goddamnit!!"

"It ain't like it's a big deal," I jumped in, "we're old enough to fight in a rumble with weapons!  We're old enough to make our own decisions."

My brother stood up, "did you get a tattoo?" his gray eyes smoldered with anger.

I rolled up my sleeve, "so what if we did?" 

Brooke followed suit, "we'll do what we want, when we want too.  If you have a problem with it, that's on you."

She nudged me, "damn straight," I chimed in, "I'm done being known as Two-Bit's little sister."  When Two didn't reply, I added, "sides, you did say I need to hang out with more girls."

Dally glared at us, "you two are in way over your head!  You don't ever think!  Neither of ya!" With that Dally slammed the door and stormed down the street.

The rest of the guys didn't say a word.

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