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Skye's POV

Damn, it was good to have the whole gang back together. I really missed Brooke. I didn't realize how much I needed her until she wasn't there. Everything was back to normal, except the tension between Two-Bit and Dally, but that's gotta get better.

It was the first day back after break. It wasn't a bad idea, having a rumble when we had a few weeks off. The bruises were healed, everyone was recovered. I met Brooke in the hall, "I gotta piss, meet ya by the bleachers?"

She walked away and I turned into the bathroom, which was filled with cheerleaders. Cheerleaders always confused me, they would fuck the entire football team on Friday nights, but come Monday, they were all pure virgins again. I finished my business and came out to wash my hands, "you're Skye, right?"

"Who wants to know?" I asked the cheerleader who spoke to me.

The five of them exchanged looks, "we have a message for you," I glared at them, "Cherry wanted us to tell ya that the rumble meant nothing. You wreck her car."

I shrugged, "so...her daddy can get it fixed for her or her ma can suck off the best mechanic in Tulsa." That made me laugh a little, considering Steve was that mechanic.

"You stupid bitch!" exclaimed one of girls as she slapped me hard across the face, her nails cutting into my skin, leaving behind a few beads of blood, "this isn't over. You may have beat our guys, but we're still number one." She jabbed her finger in my face, "don't for get your place, grease." The cheerleaders all left the bathroom, laughing as they did.

I gave myself a minute to calm down before I swung the bathroom door open. I turned and ran into Steve, "shit! Skye, watch where you're goin'".

"Sorry,"I muttered.

"Someone mess with ya in there?"

I touched my cheek. It was still warm from the slap. I couldn't decide if I should tell him the truth or not. Steve is Two's buddy. I'm just an annoying kid, "naw, I'm good."

"You sure?" he sounded annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go meet Brooke and the guys for lunch. You coming?"

Steve looked unsure, "naw, I gotta look at the car for mechanics class."  He hesitated, "you sure you're ok?" Steve asked gently.  He cupped my cheek his hand. 

Butterflies immediately filled my stomach, "yeah, I'm good." I mumbled.

We parted ways and I ran down to the bleachers.  My brother, Brooke, Pony, and Johnny were still there. I pulled an apple out from my bag and sat next to Brooke, "can you skip this afternoon?" I whispered.

She stared at me like I was the dumbest person in the world, "Dally and Two-Bit would kill us! We're finally allowed to hang out again!"

She had a point, "ok, fine, but I need to talk to ya right after school."  She took a bite of her sandwich, "by the way, nice claw marks on your face."

"It's the new fashion trend," I replied snarkily.

I met Brooke after school and basically drug her to the lot. I lit a smoke and passed it to her, "this thing with Cherry ain't over."

"What? But we rumbled?"

"Yeah, but she pissed about the car and about you and Pony." I took a drag when she handed the cancer stick back to me.

"She the one who hit ya?"

"Naw, her stupid cheerleader friends. They surrounded me in the bathroom. The bitch had sharp nails."

"We gotta tell the guys."

"No!" She looked at me, surprised. "I ran into Steve and I lied to him."

"Ugh! Skye!" Brooke looked upset, "this is how we got in trouble in the first place! We need to tell the guys!"

"We can take them on ourselves!  We can't always depend on the guys."

Brooke shook her head, "Skye, I get it.  I really do, but the last thing we need to do is piss off Dally and Two-Bit."

I rolled my eyes, "fine, but we ain't telling them yet."

Brooke smirked at me, "whatever you say.  C'mon, I got a study date with Pony."  With that, we headed toward the Curtis house.

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