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Skye's POV

Weapons...the soc skanks are bringing weapons. I've never been in a rumble like that. People get killed doing shit like that. All of us were quiet, even my brother. Dally had gone into the kitchen and Darry followed. I hoped Dare was giving him hell for making Brooke walk alone.

Pony and Brooke were cuddled up on the couch. Steve put his arm around me. I shrugged it off, not wanting to be touched at the moment. He nodded in understanding and started up a card game with Soda and Johnny.

I needed to talk to Angela. I know Dal and Tim had already talked, but it ain't their rumble. I stood up, "I'm goin' for a walk." I said to nobody in particular.

Brooke furrowed her brow, "I'm coming with ya." We both were out the door before the guys had a chance to decide who was coming with us. We silent walked down the street. I think Brooke thought we were going to the lot. She pulled my arm when I turned left instead of right, "where we goin'?"

I kept walking, staring straight ahead, "Shepard's. I wanna talk to Angela."

It didn't take us long to find her. She was at her house with Tori, "Matthews, Winston." She acknowledged as we walked up."

"Shepard, Mitchell.  I'm assuming Tim filled ya in?"

She looked at me, confused, "on what?"

"The rumble," Brooke stared at her like she at grown an extra head, "they're bringing weapons."

Tori laughed, "you owe me," she held out her hand as Angela pulled out a $5, grumbling as she handed it over.

"What are we talkin' bout?  Chains, knives?"

"Dal and Steve thought it'd be good if we had some brass knuckles."

Angela cocked an eyebrow, "you ever throw a punch with brass knuckles?  They're a little heavy.  Your arms will tire quicker."

Brooke and I both shook our head.  She went into her house and came out with a pair of them.  She handed one to me and one to Brooke.  I slid my fingers into them and could immediately feel the difference.  They were definitely heavier, but I felt something else too...I felt powerful.  I examined my fists, these could do some major damage.

Tori leaned against the side of the house, "I got a punching bag at my house, we can go throw a few punches."

Brooke and I shrugged, "sure, what the hell." We both said at the same time, causing amused looks from Tori and Angela.

Tori led the way to a shabby house on the edge of Shepard's turf.  We went down into the basement.  There was a black bag hanging from the ceiling.  Brooke went over and punch the bag hard.  She grunted as her hand made contact, "damn," she looked at her knuckles, they were already bruising from the kick back.

I punch the bag as hard as I could, pain shot through my fingers.  Mine were bruising as well.  "The kick back ain't as bad when you punch a person, but our knuckles with be pretty bruised." Tori explained.

Angela nodded in agreement, "best advice I can give is only punch when absolutely necessary.  Use your legs when you can.  I like to get a good face shot in and get them to the ground.  Then kick the shit out of them."

Brooke and I both exchanged looks, "makes sense."  We handed the brass knuckles back to Angela, "we gotta get goin' fore our gang has a coronary."  The sun was starting to set and neither of us wanted to be walking around in the dark.

"Where the hell have you two been!?" Dal roared when we walked in the house.

"What part of you need to have another gang member with you at all times?" Darry crossed his arms, glaring at us.

"Ummm Brooke had me and I had her." I shot back, "we followed the rules!"

"Where the did the two of you go?" Soda jumped in, looking worried.

"Shepard's." Brooke shrugged, "we wanted to talk to them."

"I already did that." Dally grumbled through clenched teeth.

Brooke stood up and stared him down, "it's not your rumble!  We need to be prepared!  You ain't helping us with that!"  She glared at all the guys, "none of are helping with that!" No one said a word.

I stood next to her, "this ain't a fuckin' joke! We could get hurt! We could get hurt bad! This isn't a simple fist fight!"

Brooke through her arm around me.  "We could die." That went a cold fear down my spine.

I gripped her back tightly, "we could die."

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