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Brooke's POV
I was thrown in the 'quiet room' last night, and I wanted to scream. I just wanted to scream so loud, that Dal would hear me and come get me. I knew it was impossible though. I'm pretty sure Skye was also put in a room. They had a few different 'solitary' rooms here. The one I'm in now is not the same as the last one. I couldn't believe we were gonna be in here for the rest of our time! If I could barley handle a few days, how the fuck am I gonna handle near 20!

Dal's POV
I woke up with an awful headache, groaning as I rubbed my eyes. I then remembered I was at the Curtis', after the fight at Buck's last night. I guess Steve and Soda must have dragged out drunk asses back.

"Here" Darry set a cup of coffee on the coffee table for me. I sat up, grabbing the cup and drinking the hot beverage.

"Fuzz show last night?" Darry asked as he sat down in his recliner. He probably wants to know if the fuzz showed, to know if he should be expecting a knock on his door looking for Dallas Winston. It's happened before.


"Good" he sipped his coffee as well. "Besides the point, you don't need to be getting arrested while Brooke's already in that place" Darry got serious. Ah, here comes the lecture I was waiting for.

"I know, man..but that prick punched your brother first. I guess Mathews and I somehow got pulled in" I shrug.

"I know, Dal. But don't start fights that aren't needed is all I'm staying" was all Darry said.

Skye's POV

I couldn't tell if it was day or night.  There was no light in the room.  A few times a day a guard would bring food, but I hardly touched it.  I wasn't hungry.  Every now and then, I'd force myself to take a bit of food, but honestly, what was the point.

I had no idea where Brooke was, no idea if Debbie was alive.  I wanted my ma.  I couldn't stop thinking about Two-Bit and Steve.  I wanted the gang...hell, I'd settle for Tim Shepard at this point. 

I cupped my hands around my mouth, "Brooke!" I listened to see if she would respond.  Nothing.  "Brooke!!!" I tried again.  The only sound I heard was my voice echoing around the room.  I laid down on the dirty mattress and curled into a ball.  I've never felt so alone in my life.

Two-Bit's POV

I sat up, vaguely remembering what happened last night.  My head was pounding, my mouth felt like cotton balls. Dal was still snoring on the couch.  Why didn't I get the couch?  I grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed out to the porch.  I plopped on the steps and lit a smoke.

"Two-Bit," Darry sat next to me, "you ok?"

"No." That was a stupid question. 

"Look, Two, there's better ways to deal with shit than getting wasted and starting fights."

"What?" I said with mock surprise, "I had no idea!"

Darry just shook his head, "you gotta be a wise ass bout everything."

I stood up, "I'll see ya later."  I walked away.  I didn't want to be around people right now.

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