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Skye's POV

Panic attack?  I was having a panic attack?  Brooke and Two were talkin' bout me like I wasn't even here.  Two-Bit kept his hands on my cheeks, talking softly, "it's ok, baby.  Everything's gonna be ok.  I'm here."  I was trying to slow my breathing down as Brook came back with a glass of water.  I took a few sips and started to breath a little more normal.

Brooke settled in beside and pulled me into her. I felt like such a baby, you're real tough, Skye, I thought to myself.

Two-Bit stood up, "where are you going?" I started panicking.

"Just goin' to talk to Darry," he must have seen the horror on my face, "not about that, baby."

I nodded slowly. I, shakily, lit a smoke as my big brother hugged me and walked out of the bathroom.

"Skye? Are you ok?" Brooke's hazel eyes were wide with concern.

I laughed, almost in a hysterical way, "not even a little bit!" I laughed some more, "the entire gangs gonna know soon enough! Lord knows Two can't keep his mouth shut."

Two-Bit's POV

"Just drop it!" I yelled as I stormed out of the house to clear my head.  I couldn't think, I couldn't see straight.  All I knew was that I wanted to kill my uncle and my father.  It just ain't right.

"Two-Bit!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What's goin' on?"

I hung my head, "Sodapop, ya really don't wanna know."

"Hate to break it to ya, but ya gotta give us something."

I lit a smoke, "Fuck," I took a drag, "Skye's real messed up right now."

"So she and Brooke got into a little trouble.  You were picked up at 14.  Steve was arrested for the first time when he was 12. It happens."

My blood started to boil, "I ain't talkin' bout that!  My uncle hurt Skye bad, real bad," saying it out loud made me feel sick, "he touched her."  I closed my eyes, not wanting to see Soda's face, "The old man took his side."

"How long?" I heard the tremble in his voice."

"I don't know." That about killed me, "I don't know."

Soda threw an arm around my shoulder, "go take a walk, but come back later ok?"  I just nodded as I walked off.

Skye's POV

"Can I come in?" Pony tapped on the door.  I slowly nodded and Brooke opened the door.  He sat on the floor next to Skye, "Two-Bit said you're sick.  Did you eat something bad or is this the flu?"

I wasn't ready to tell him yet and some how Brooke knew that, "she probably has the stomach flu.  It's that 24 hour bug that's going around."  He nodded, accepting the answer.  "Skye," she rubbed my arm, "are you ready to go back out to the couch?"

I didn't answer but made the motion to stand up.  Pony helped me up and we went back to the couch.  I curled up into a ball and sat as close to Brooke as I could.  Darry kneeled down and I automatically flinched away, "I overreacted.  I forget that you two are just kids.  I'll do better at keeping my temper at bay."

"Even toward Ponyboy?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Yes, even towards Pony."

The front door opened and I hoped it was Two-Bit, but it was only Soda.  I could tell by the anger on his face that my brother already ratted me out.  Brooke knew it too because she caught Soda's eye and slightly shook her head.

"Why don't you two girls take Pony's old room for tonight?" Darry suggested, "I'm sure you two are exhausted."  Silently, we got up and crawled into what used to be Pony's bed.  I don't know about Brooke, but I was asleep in minutes.

Darry's POV

Something set Skye and Two-Bit off.  I have never seen either of them lash out like that before.  Soda knows something, I'll have to talk to him later, but right now, I needed to talk to Dally.  He needed to know what happened between the girls and Cherry.  I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.

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