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Brooke's POV
After a day of being at the Curtis house for the first time in a while, Skye and I decided to walk home together.

I lit a smoke as we walked through greaser neighbourhood. "Steve talk to you too?" I ask, knowing he probably did, just like pony had to me.

"Yea..I missed him" Skye nodded.

"I missed all of em" it got quiet for a moment.

"For real"-Skye stopped me, as she looked at me-"you think we should drop Angela, going back to the boys?" She raised a brow.

"Ya..I don't think the girls-us, know what we're doing" I admitted, taking a sigh. We kept walking down the pavement.

"Think she'll be mad?" I question.

"Who cares if she is..she can deal with it" Skye shrugged.

After walking Skye home, I then started off to Buck's. I imagined Dal would be there already. I still wasn't to pleased with one of his 'Dally asshole-bursts' earlier.

I walked through bucks doors, to be met with the usual scent of beer and smoke. It wasn't that crowded tonight. Just a few cowboys and folks here and there, as I walked upstairs.

I shut my room door, starting to take my tank top off and was planning to replace it with a comfy hoodie of Pony's.

"Hey, you just get"-Dal started to open the door-"hey, get out!" I stoped him, rolling my eyes that reminded wide.

"Shit" I heard him curse, going straight back out.

I huffed, slipping on Pony's track hoodie and opening the door, to see Dal leaning against the stair railing. "What?" I raise a brow, waiting to hear what he wanted.

"Just gonna ask if you got here just now" he shrugged. I nodded, "ya, just dropped Skye off" I informed. I knew it wasn't just that. Dal never just 'comes to see if I got home' unless he wants or needs something.

"So are you out of Shepard's?" He asked, bouncing his foot and leg up and down against the floor.

"I don't know..I think so-I'll talk to Angela tomorrow" I was starting to get aggravated, just thinking about it. I wasn't looking forward to it, that's for sure.

"K" was all he said, walking back to his room or down stairs to the bar.

I shut my door and walked over to my dresser, pulling out some clothes, as I hoped to find some sweats to wear to bed.

Once I did, I slipped them on before jumping into bed.

20 minutes

30 minutes

1 hour

2 hour

Time had past, and I couldn't sleep. I wanted to, but couldn't. To much shit on my mind I guess.

I sighed, swinging my legs over and onto the cold, wooden, floor boards. Standing, I made my way out the bedroom and slowly crept down Bucks stairs.

I heard low chatter, like a casual bar night. I was still in my sweats and hoodie, as I walked around the place, just trying to see what was up since I couldn't sleep for shit. I know Dal would probably kill me for being down here, especially at this time of night, hell, he was even gone to bed already.

Suddenly, as I'm walking through the 'pool room", my arm was yanked as pulled back. My first thought was Dal, but when I looked up, I saw this guy, maybe in his 20's. he looked to big for me to take, probably a little bigger then Buck, tall.

"The fuck" I give him a disgusted look, before pulling my arm away, only to get pulled back by my waist. I gasped. "Fuck off!" I raised my voice. Nobody was really around here at this time, and I have no idea where Buck was, probably in the back or something.

"Dude, fuck off!"

"Come on.." I felt a hand grip my ass, as I tensed.

"HEY! What the fuck do ya think your doing!..huh!?" Dal appeared in his blue jeans. Part of me was relieved, another part was scared for what Dal is gonna say about me being down here.

Before I knew it, Dal was beating on the guy, even standing up to give him a few kicks. I didn't do nothing but watch. Eventually, Buck had appeared and threw the scum bag outside, while telling Dal to back off.

Then, grabbing my arm, Dal dragged my upstairs and into my bedroom, where I probably should've remained. "And you..what the hell were you doing down there, huh!?..you wanna get yourself raped, or beat, or worse!?" He started yelling. My head couldn't count the numerous fights we've had since I got here.

"I couldn't sleep!..I'm sorry" I said the last part quietly.

"Well sorry isn't gonna save your ass when I'm not there to help you every time!" With that, he left my room, slamming the door like he always did in the process.

falling on my bed, making in creak, I buried my head in my pillow face first. Tears began to seep out of my eyes, and began to drench my pillow.

Soon enough, tears had tired me, and I couldn't help but give into sleep.

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