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Brooke's POV
My heart sank when I heard my brother was arrested. I mean, he's the only one keeping me safe right now...and with everything going on with Cherry..I needed him. I couldn't help but be pissed at him. He got himself into trouble, he knew I needed him.

I slid down the wall, my hands in my hair. Skye then came over and eventually reached for my hand. "Hey, Darry said you can stay here...you can always stay at my house to" she offered. "We take care of our own" she stated.

I looked up at her in surprise. I've never had a family to call 'my own'. "Our own?" I question.

"Ya, we gotta watch out for each other. It's what the gang does" she explained. I had no choice but to smile a little.

Two-bit, being himself, suggested we stop mopping around and that it wouldn't help. He was right I guess. "Hey, don't you two have a movie to see?" He pointed out.

My face immediately lit up at the thought. I looked to Skye "ya we do!" I exclaim.
We hung out at the Curtis' until Skye and I had to leave for the movie we planned.

When we got there, it was packed with socs, greasers, middle classers, I think I even saw some 'Brumley boys' from the suburbs. After crawling through the fence (a trick I learnt from Dal), we took out seats. We were also waiting for Pony and Johnny, Twobit had planned to come but god knows where he wandered off to.

I suddenly tensed a little when I saw Cherry sitting a few rows across from us. I tap Skye "there's Cherry!..is she and Pony a thing?" I ask. I honestly didn't know with this girl, one minute she's a high-class soc girl, the next she's a bad-girl soc that falls for a greaser (Pony).

Skye shrugs "He says no, but she wants him and then she doesn't and then she does...I dunno. She's just a dumb soc cheerleader if ya ask me" she explains. I nod as I continue to glance at Cherry.

Half way through the movie, I spotted Johnny and Pony walking over to us. "Hey Skye, there's the boys!" I point to em.

"It's about time" Skye says as Johnny takes a seat next to her, as Pony sat next to me. I smiled as he did the same...I was starting to think there was a moment there, but brushed it off. He did the same as he looked straight ahead to the screen.

As we watched the movie, I felt something touch my hand. I looked down to see Pony's hand over top of mine. I smiled and hooked them together. Pony looked to me with a smile before we both went back to the movie again.

I felt Skye tap me. I looked over to her to see her making hearts with her fingers and pretending to gag. I rolled my eyes and shoved her a little. There was some awkwardness for a moment, considering last time we shoved one another...well..we ended up breaking a lamp. We both laughed it off and went back to the movie, once again.
The movie was finally over. It was interesting I guess...just some beach movie. I'm glad it definitely took my mind away from Dallas.

"That was boring...nice movie pick, Pony" Skye said sarcastically as we stood from our seats and stretched. I had no choice but to finally let go of his hand. "Oh shut up, it was a great movie" Pony shot back.

"Mhm" Skye groaned in response as she stretched her back.

"I didn't mind it" Johnny spoke. "Same" I replied. We all started heading out to the fence, the way we snuck in. All of a sudden, We were stoped by...yep, Cherry Valence of course.

She stepped in front of us, so we could no longer walk. "What do you think your doing?" Skye shot as she narrowed her eyes.

"Just wanted to have some girl talk, with Brooke her" Cherry said 'sweetly' as she guided me to the side. The rest of the gang kept their confused glances on us.

"What do you want?" I spoke rudely, trying to kept the shakiness out of my vlice. Am I scared of her, no...but I know she's got boys of her own, like the ones that helped jump me the other day.

"No need to get salty sweet heart" she said, then suddenly leaned in closer "but I saw you and Pony's hand latching stunt...I warned you bitch" she spat. Before I could say anything, a hard punch was thrown across my face. I could land one better, but it was still gonna leave a bruise.

I held my nose for a second, before doing the same right back to the same spot she hit me, but on her face. Skye and the boys were crowed around us by now. Skye looked like she was ready to jump in, to have my back at any moment.

To my surprise, Cherry didn't fight back. She started to head off while holding her bloody nose, not before "your gonna regret that!" She stated. I got shivered down my spine but then shook it off.

"What the hell was that about!?" Skye exclaimed in confusion. I shrugged "don't worry about it...I'll tell ya later" I said. I wasn't lying, I wanted to tell Skye what's been happening. I think I can, just not with the boys here..especially Pony!

"Doesn't matter right now, come on we'll clean you up back at my place" Pony said, clearly more concerned about my health.
We made it back to the house as Pony opened the door for me. "Here, sit. I'll go get Darry to clean you up" he says as he rushes to go get Darry. I sit on a chair as Skye sits beside me and Johnny continues to stand.

Not a second later, Darry and Soda came out from the kitchen. "What happened!?" Soda asks concerned, as he exclaims my face from where Cherry punched me.

"Nothing" I muttered.

"That stupid-soc Cherry got her" Pony said, clearly angry. I never thought I'd hear Pony say that about her.

Darry got a pack of ice and placed it on my face. "Now, tell my what happened" Darry demanded. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing...just stupid teenage stuff" I muttered. I'd rather have Dal here right now.

"Tell me the truth, Brooke" he said with his arms crossed. He reminded me of my dad at this moment. I gulped...then suddenly, I don't know what hit me, but I snapped!

"Nothing! Alright!" I yelled. That shocked everyone. I needed that, with all these emotions running through my head. I just needed to yell, get all my stress out. I couldn't deal with this, I just wanted my brother back.

I got up and ran out the front door. I didn't know where I was going...but I didn't care at this point.

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