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Skye's POV

Brooke and I were at the lot when we heard our names, "fuck," I muttered, "I shouldn't of climbed out the window."  Brooke just stared at me like I was an idiot.  Hell, maybe I am. 

Pony and Steve came toward us.  They both looked angry.  Pony went over to Brooke and started talking to her.

Steve grabbed my arm, "really, Skye? Really?  You snuck out! What were you thinking?"

"I don't know I just needed to get out of there!" I cried out, frustrated as fuck.

"You can't just go around jumping people!  I get it; you're pissed, you're hurt.  You have every right to be, but jumping Cherry was the worst thing you could have done!" Steve held my face in his hands so I couldn't look away, "she could press charges, you could go to jail!"

"It'd be a reform school."

"Dammit Skye!  Either way, it would destroy me and your brother if you went away."

I blink away the tears that were forming in my eyes, "Steve, Tori's dead."

His thumb caressed my cheek, "I know."

"Why don't the fuzz care?  Why don't the other Socs?  Cherry killed her!  And she's walking around like nothing happened.  Tori was my age!"  I felt myself getting hysterical, "nobody cares!  Nobody cares!"  I fell against him, sobbing.  I was so angry and so confused at the same time.

Steve held me and rubbed my back.  He kissed my forehead, "I don't have to answers, baby.  I wish I did, but I don't."  I glance over at Brooke.  Pony was holding her, talking to her softly. 

After a little bit, the four of us walked back to the Curtis house.  "So how mad is Two-Bit?"

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if he skinned ya later," Steve said quietly.  I nodded but leaned closer into him.

Two-Bit jumped to his feet when we walked through the door.  He pulled me away from Steve, "car! Now!"

Brooke shot me a sympathetic smile, "call me later."  I nodded.  Steve kissed me and gave me a hug before I got in the car.

Steve and Two exchanged some words before he got in the car and slammed the door.  The ride home was silent and seemed to take 5 hours instead of 5 minutes.  "Get your ass in your room.  I will be up in a few minutes."

I didn't need to be told twice.  Two-Bit walked in a few minutes later.  He sat on the edge of my bed, "Skye, I don't know what to do with you."

"Love me?"

"Help me understand.  Why are you so angry?"

"The charges against Cherry were dropped!  I've told you this so many fucking times!"

"That's no excuse."

Hot, angry tears spilled out of my eyes, "why don't you care that Tori's dead?  You care more about us beating up Cherry!  She shot Tori!"  I paced my room, waving my arms, trying to get my point across.

My brother pulled me into a hug, "you think I don't care?  Of course I care!  And ya know what I thought when I found it was Tori?"  I shook my head, "I was relieved that it wasn't you!  I am doing everything I can to keep you safe! And your doing stupid shit every time I turn around!"

"I'm so,"

Two-Bit held up his hand, "don't say it...until you mean it."  He looked so disappointed in me.

"Two-Bit," I stared at him through my tears, "are we ok?"

"No Skye, we aren't.  And I don't if we will be."  He walked out of my room.  That hurt.  That hurt more than if he had skinned me.

I laid on my bed, sobbing until I cried myself to sleep.  This is lowest I've felt in a long time.

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