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Skye's POV

I couldn't sleep at al that night. My bunk mate snores worse than Two-Bit. The mattress sucked. I was cold. Fuckin' Jack stole my blanket. I was gonna have to figure something out. If I had to kick someone's ass to get a little respect, I would.

Next morning, I heard, "ten minutes to get ready ladies!" I ran into the bathroom. I quickly grabbed a shower on the end. The water was cold, but I washed my hair quickly. A towel was laid on the bench. I grabbed it and wrapped it around me. It barely went down to my butt and I could even close it all the way. Just deal with it, Skye. I dressed before I was even all the way dry and made it to my bunk in time for head count.

We were then, ushered to breakfast. I spotted Brooke, Angela, Jess and Mandy right away. I wanted to hug Brooke so badly, but I knew I couldn't. I calmly walked over and sat down, "you guys ok?"

They nodded, "you?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah," I didn't want to tell them about my bunk mate, "beds are uncomfortable as fuck."

Brooke shushed me and asked if we had any money. I didn't, but Mandy slipped her some. She handed it to a group of girls.

"What's that about?" Angela asked as they walked away.

"They're my bunk mates, I think they worked over a girl last night."

Angela's eyes widened, "they did! It was a girl on my block! She went to the infirmary."

"The what?" Mandy asked, her voice quivering.

"It's like the hospital."

Mandy started to tear up. I kicked her under the table, "no. Do not show fear." We quickly finished breakfast. I'm not even sure what it was, I think it was eggs, but I wasn't really sure.

After breakfast, we were herded outside. There was a basketball hoop, some bleachers, and work out equipment. Jess pulled us around the corner, "snagged us some smokes last night."

"How'd ya manage that?" I gratefully took one.

"Don't ask, don't tell."

I lit it and gazed at my surroundings, "look, Two-Bit said we need to stick together and keep our heads down and mouth shut."

"Good luck with that, Skye," Brooke joked.

We all smirked and then got serious, "Matthews, you gonna introduce me to your little gang?"

"Winston, Shepard," I suddenly realized that I didn't know Jess and Mandy's last name.

"Jordan and Kingsley," Jess finished for me.

"This is Jack."

She looked at me, "Wait, Winston, Shepard, and Matthews? As in Dallas, Tim, and Two-Bit."

"Our brothers." I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling a little more powerful.

"Damn...what are ya in for?"

"Assault," Brooke answered.  I could tell she was feeling more confident as well.

Jack just continued to stare at us, "well, uh, see ya around."

She left and we all looked at each other in amazement, "I ain't surprised she knew Dal and Tim, but Two-Bit was a bit of a surprise."

Angela let out an evil snicker, "guess our brothers are good for something."

Two-Bit's POV

After they took the girls, we all went back to the Curtis's. Nobody said anything. Pony kept crying for a bit. Nobody could blame the guy. Hell, I cried when they drug my sister away. She and Brooke both looked so scared. Dally left a few hours later, said he was gonna get drunk. Steve took off with him.

Soda was torn. He didn't know if he should stay with Ponyboy or go with Steve.

"I gotta go tell Ma," I whispered, "then I'll go check on those two."

Darry clapped me on the shoulder, "you ok?"

"Nope." I walked out the door.

My ma's car was in the driveway when I got home. I didn't realize how late it was. She was at the table eating dinner that Skye had made for her the other night.

"Ma," I sat down next to her.

"Keith!" She kissed my cheek, surprised to see me, "I though you'd be out with your friends. Where's your sister?"

I squeezed her hand, "Ma, I don't know how to tell ya this, but Skye got in a little trouble."

"Where is she?" Ma demanded.

"She's in a detention center. For a month."

Tears streamed down her face, "what?"

"She and Brooke and a few other girls beat up Cherry when they heard the charges against her were dropped."

"I don't understand!" Ma balled her hands into fists and started pounding on my chest, "you were suppose to look out for her!"

I embraced my ma as hard as I could, "I know. Ma I'm sorry."

She sank to the floor and I held her as she sobbed, "my baby...how did this happen to my baby. She must be terrified!"

"She's tough, Ma. She's gonna get through it. She's got Brooke and the others. She'll be fine."

I'm not sure who I was trying to convince, my ma or myself.

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