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Skye's POV

I sat in the principal's office...again...school had only been in session a week and I'm pretty sure I was looking at getting suspended. 

I tugged on my mini skirt...man this thing is uncomfortable, I thought to myself.  I was really starting to miss my jeans, leggings, and tank tops.  For some reason, Angela thought mine and Brooke's style needed an "upgrade."  Brooke ain't much happier about it than I am, but as Ang keeps pointing out...we're a gang and we need to look like one. 

I glanced to my right.  Angela and Nicole were sitting in the lobby, waiting for Tim and whoever was coming to get Nicole.  They had already been suspended, neither of them seemed to care.  I, however, felt sick to my stomach. 

"Ms. Matthews," I jumped as Principal McKinley slammed the door to his office, "I'm getting tired of seeing you in my office."

"I'm getting tired of being in here," I grumbled back.

"You helped Angela and Nicole jump another girl?"  I looked down.  I knew we were in the wrong.  I don't even know the girl we jumped.  Nicole came up saying she gave her a dirty look and next thing I know we're jumping this girl.  She wasn't even a Soc!  "Skye, you are suspended for 3 days.  I highly suggest when you come back, you get some better friends."

"Ok," was all I mumbled.

Ma came and picked me up shortly after that.  I could she was pissed.  Ma ain't like me or Two when she's mad.  She don't yell or lash out, she says nothing...not a single word.  She won't even look at ya.

We didn't speak the entire ride home.  I walked in the house and started walking toward my room, but Ma stopped me, "I'm only going to say this once," she spoke with such anger in her voice, "you are grounded for a month...no friends, no boyfriend.  You are allowed to go to school and come home.  You will not leave this house for anything."  She took a menacing step toward me,  "if you mess up one more time, I'm sending you to live with Aunt Susie and Uncle Alan...am I clear?"

"Crystal." I ran up to my room.  I needed to get ahold of Brooke.

Two-Bit's POV

Skye had given me a note to give Brooke tonight when I see her.  The girls were different and not in a good way.  They both have been dressing like hookers, getting into fights, skipping school, and now, Skye's suspended.

Brooke was over at the Curtis's when I showed up.  I handed her the note.  I don't know what it said, but I probably wasn't good since Brooke's eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of her head. 

She looked over at Pony, "Skye got suspended."The room became quiet.  I was well aware of everyone listening in, "jumped a middle class girl."

Steve hung his head a bit.  I knew this was killing him, hell, it's killing Ponyboy too!  Soda said he's been down in the dumps since the girls formed their own gang.

Dally pulled Brooke up, "where were you?  If Skye got into a fight, you'd be right behind her."

She refused to meet his eyes, "I was out tagging with Jess and Mandy."  Dally said nothing, "ya know, like spray pa."

"I know what fucking tagging is!" He cut her off, "you wanna go back to Juvie again?!  That's fuckin' vandalism, man!" He practically drug her out of the house.

I slumped down in her seat, "Ma is threatening to send Skye away to Nebraska to live with her sister and brother in law if she doesn't straighten up."  I shot Steve a sympathetic look, "Sorry Stevie, she's grounded for a month."  He just nodded, but I knew he was just as angry as the rest of us.

Darry's POV

I flipped through my evening paper, but I wasn't really reading it.  I was thinking about our two girls.  We pushed them away.  We made them try to prove themselves.  We were losing them and it hurt.

I thought back to the night of that rumble; after Tim telling us that Tori was dead.  I watched him fall apart.  He lost a gang member.  I didn't realize what that was like until the girls left.  Now, I know they aren't gone in the way Tori was, but we sure as hell we're losing them.  I just hoped we can get them back before they did end up like Tori.

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