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Skye's POV

Two-Bit and I pulled up to the Curtis house just as Steve and Johnny were coming up the porch. Steve came over to me, "hey, I wanna ask ya something." He glanced at Two-Bit, "do you wanna go to a movie tonight?"

"Sure," Two-Bit chimed in, resting his elbow on my shoulder.

This should be interesting.  I've never dated before and Two had no idea that I kissed Steve a few days before.

Two-Bit's POV

I pulled Steve aside, "why the fuck are you asking my sister to a movie?"  When he didn't respond, I pushed some more, "Steve...I swear if this is a pity date..."

"Two-Bit," Steve lit a cigarette, "do ya really think, after all Skye has been through, that I would do that?"

I glared at Steve, "I've heard stories of you and Evie..."

"Meh, Evie was just good lay."  

"And Skye is what?" I demanded, partly relieved that she had already gone in to the house.

"Two, do you really think I would just want Skye to be a good lay?  I like her, a lot."

"She's been hurt...a lot." I argued back. I stared at Steve. He's my buddy...a pal.

"I know," he looked genuine, "I won't hurt her. I promise."

"You better not."  I stared at one of my best friends, "Steve, you are holding my baby sister's heart.  Please...do not crush it." 

Steve turned to Skye, "you in?"

She glanced at me, wanting my approval.  I gave her slight nod.  "Yeah, I'm in."  Skye's smile was enough for me.

Skye's POV

I could not wait to tell Brooke!  I spilled the beans before Pony had the chance to ask her.  He was a little upset, but I'm pretty sure he got over it.

I sipped on my coffee as I sat next to Brooke.  She was saying how Dal went to meet with Tim Shepard.  He left Brooke to walk here alone, what a douche bag.  Darry made a comment to on on how he'd talk to Dally about how there had to be at least 2 of us together at all times.  I figured if anyone could get through to Dallas, it'd be Darry.

"Brooke," I turned to her, "let's go outside."  We climbed up to the treehouse that Ponyboy's dad built.

"You wanna talk about the rumble?"  She asked.

"Yeah, what are your thoughts?"

"Honestly, I don't trust Cherry as far as I could throw her."

I nodded, "me too.  I'm worried she's gonna bring weapons."

Brooke sighed, "I'm being my blade."

"Me too.  We're only breaking the rules if we pull it first."

Brooke nodded, "thoughts on brass knuckles?"

I played with the ends of my hair, "you own a pair?"

"Dallas does."

"Let's sleep on it.  That's opening a can of worms that I ain't ready for."

We each lit a cigarette, "I thought New York was bad." Brooke muttered.

That evening, Steve drove us to the movies. We were seeing the movie, 'How to Kill a Mockingbird.' We went to an actual theater instead of a drive in. Steve paid for my ticket, Pony paid for Brooke's. It was weird, entering a movie legally.

Steve sat on my left, Brooke sat on my right, and Pony next to Brooke. Steve was definitely more comfortable around broads  than Pony was. Steve had his arm around me, pulling me close, before Pony even held Brooke's hand. Steve and I cuddled and would kiss every now and then. I love it when he played with my hair.

The movie ended way too soon and we headed back to the house. Dally was there when we walk in. I noticed that Brooke stuck close to Pony. Dally motioned for us to sit down, "I spoke to Shepard today."

"Buck told me." Brooke responded coldly.

If Dally caught on to her tone, he didn't acknowledge it, "I have some thoughts on the rumble."

Two came and put and hand on my shoulder, "what are you thinking?"

None of us were ready for his answer...

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