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Skye's POV

Brooke and I climbed out of the window and headed to the Lot.  The boys were celebrating.  We wouldn't be missed.  I opened the whiskey and held it up, "here's to you and here's to me, best of friends as friends could be, and if we ever disagree, fuck you and here's to me." I took a swig and handed it to Brooke.

She took a drink and wiped her mouth on her hand, "where'd you hear that?"

"Two-Bit." We sat down on the car bench, taking sips and passing it back and forth.  I watched Brooke shudder after each shot, "you don't drink much, huh?"

"Nup," she slurred, "ya know, Steve's got the hots for ya."

"What? No he don't."

She snickered and laid back, looking up at the stars, "it's pretty obvious...you're just emotionally constipated."

"Well, Pon...Horseman," we both busted out laughing.  "Horseman's got the hots for you!" We rolled with laughter, struggling to catch our breath.

"Oh my god!  I wanna marry him and have his little ponies." Brooke announced, taking another shot.

"You need to go tell Pony that you're gonna marry him and Imma talk to Steve!"  I always have brilliant ideas when I'm drunk.

We stumbled back to the house.  Brooke shoved the door open, "Ponyyyyyyyy!! Poooonyboyyyy!! I wanna have little ponies wiff you!!" She sang out.

Pony turned beat red and basically shrank behind Soda and Johnny.

Dally pulled on Brooke's arm, "what the hell Brooke?  Have you been drinkin'?" He demanded.

I put my elbow on Brooke's shoulder, "me an' Brookie here was just hanging out with our buddy Jack!" I held up the bottle that was about half empty.

Darry yanked the bottle from my hand, "what the hell were you two thinking?!? We just got done with a rumble and you two sneak out to get wasted!"

"That's a big 10-4, ghost rider." I saluted him. 

Brooke stumbled over to Pony, "I loooooovvvveeeeee yooooooouuuu!"

Dally angrily grabbed Brooke, "you an I are leaving! Now!"

"But...Dally," she whined.

"No," he thrust a finger in my face, "dammit Matthews, you and Brooke are done.  You're a bad influence on her!  I'm sure this was all your idea too!"

"C'mon, Dal.  She ain't force me to drink it."  Dally dragged Brooke by the arm, cussing her out the whole way, "I swear if you even lay hands on my sister," he gave Ponyboy a look that could kill, "I'll kill ya myself."

"Steve has the hots for Skye!" Brooke called out over her shoulder, giggling as Dal stormed off.

Steve's POV

"Wait! What?" I stumbled over my words.  I mean, Skye's pretty and all.  She's good with cars, funny, not afraid to speak her mind.  She's good in a fight, "I...ah...I gotta go check on my dad."  I pushed past Two-Bit who looks serious...like scary serious.  I caught Skye's eye.  She looked hurt in a way, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna admit it when she's drunk.

I rushed outta the house.  Once I got a little bit of distance, I relaxed a bit.  Does Skye like me back?  I don't even know how to go about this!  Hell, it was easy with Evie.  Basically she was just a good screw and I didn't really care about her.  But Skye...I want to hold her, protect her, I don't want her to hurt ever again.  Ugh! Dolls are so difficult.

Skye's POV

Well, Steve walking out answered that question.  He don't like me anymore than anyone else does.  The whisky was starting to give me a headache.  I went to take another sip, but Darry took it, "I think you've had enough."

"You're not the boss of me!" I yelled at him.  "It's my bottle!"

"Darry's right," Two-Bit stepped beside me, "it's time to go home."

"But...Two-Bit," I whined.

"Don't Skye, you're walking on thin ice.  You're lucky Ma is working nights or she'd skin ya for gettin' soused like this."

"Yeah whatever." I muttered, still trying to piece together everything that just happened.  Brooke and I had a genius idea, but now we're in trouble...again.

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