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Skye's POV

I didn't want to go back in right away. I hated disappointing my mom, not that she was completely disappointed, definitely worried though. And the thought of her telling Two-Bit...my head was spinning. I didn't even hear Brooke approach me, "hey Skye," dammit, this is the second time she almost caught me crying, "you comin' in?"

I stood up, making sure I was composed, "yeah, just  finishing my smoke."

I headed toward the door, but she pulled my arm, "you...wanna...catch a movie sometime or something."

I hesitated, this was the first time since she got here that sounded unsure of herself.

"Uh...sure...why not..." I mumbled, surprising both of us. We walked back into the dingo.

Two-Bit scooted over and made room for me on the bench. He threw an arm around and was surprised when I leaned into him, "so Brooke an' me were thinkin' of maybe catching a movie this weekend."

The whole table went silent. Two-Bit cocked his eyebrow, "I'm not so sure that's a good idea.    You two don't exactly have the best track record with each other."

I glared at my brother, "you're just sayin' that cause you and Dal don't have the best track record."

Brooke's eyes widened, "do tell!"

Dally glared at me, "you shut your mouth kid, that wasn't my fault."  Two-Bit was already laughing so hard that he couldn't talk.

Pony and Johnny were grinning too.  Now Brooke looked intrigued, "you have to tell me!"

"So," I begin, ignoring the death stare from Dally, "Dally's trying to some action from this greaser girl and they go out to the lake, which is basically a huge necking spot.  She wants to go swimming, so Dal convinces her to go skinny dipping.  Well, Two-Bit is out with some blonde bimbo and sees Dally's car.  He sneaks over to scare them, ya know, pound on the window and shit.  Then he sees them in the lake, so he grabs Dally's clothes and climbs up the water tower, hides the clothes and climbs back down.  Dally gets out of the lake and can't find his clothes, but sees Two leaning against the car."  Two-Bit's laughing so hard by this point that tears are rolling down his cheeks.  "he tells Dal that his clothes are up on the water tower.  Dally's swearing his head off, threatening to kill him while he's climbing up the water tower stark naked.  The cops show up, Dally can't find his clothes and get down in time.  He gets arrested for indecent exposure and trespassing while Two gets busted for public intoxication."

By the time, I finished the story, the whole table was dying of laughter, "who bailed you out?" Brooke gasped out in between fits of laughter.

"Darry," Pony piped up, "and he was pissed."

"Don't forget about the time Two, Dally and Steve hot wired that garbage truck," Johnny added.  We continued to laugh about all the stupid things Dallas and Two-Bit have done.  Ma came over a few times to bring us food.  We didn't order anything, but she knew we were all hungry.

After a little bit, Pony and Johnny said they needed to get back home before Darry and Soda got home.  We all stood up to leave, but Ma came over to us, "I gotta work a double shift her and then work Jays.  Can you stay at the Curtis's tonight so I can have the car?"

Two-Bit handed over the keys, "anything for you, Ma."

"Skye?" Ma called to me.  She hugged me, "think about what I said."  She also handed me a bunch of take out containers for the rest of the guys.

We headed back toward the house.  Dally and Brooke were up ahead with Pony and Johnny.  Two-Bit walked with me.  He lit a smoke and handed me one, "you really wanna go see a movie with Brooke?"

I shrugged, "got nothing to do."

He blew a smoke ring, "ya know, I ain't heard you talk this much in a long time."  I didn't respond, I wasn't sure what to say.

Once we got to Pony's house, I handed Darry the bag of food, flinching slightly when he took it.  If he noticed, he didn't say anything.  Two sat down and turned on Mickey Mouse.  Brooke and I went over and played poker with Steve and Soda. The tension between us was definitely lessening.  Guess Brooke ain't so bad after all.

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