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Brooke's POV
As soon as I heard those sirens, I knew we were dead. "Skye...Skye" I pulled her arm.

"WHAT" she turned around. Soon enough, I felt the cold metal of cuffs being tightened around my wrists. Another officer had done the same to Skye. My heart started racing, it felt like it might explode. Dal was already jailed, I can't be to!

I saw Skye, she had the same expression. "We're so dead" she mouthed to me.

The door flew wide open. I turned around to see a man, a soc to be exact! He looked maybe Dal or Soda's age. My first guess was, Cherry...Cherry must have sent him?

"What the hell are you doing in here!?..this is a private room, get out!" I yelled at the guy. He only came closer.

"Your dead" he spoke lowly

End of flash back~

A shiver ran up my spine, thinking about last night. "I'm not surprised, a couple greasers like you..taking a crack at some poor girls face" he shook his head and pursued his lips.

"Poor girl my ass!" Skye suddenly blurted. I couldn't blame her, while Cherry was over there 'sobbing' on the ground. Well..maybe now she'll learn her lesson.

"You two, come with me...don't have all night to be dealing with you hoodlums" the officer spoke, Ignoring Skye's comment.

As we sat in the back of the cruiser, I looked to Skye and saw she looked anxious...then I remembered her fear...one of the cops was slightly big. I squeezed over and rested my head on her shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine" I reassure.

"Fine!..don't worry!..hell, my mom will probably be wishing she didn't have a daughter like me when she finds out" she said the last part quietly. "At least Dal ain't here to skin ya" she pointed out. I ignored her comment.

"No she won't, Skye...your mom won't be mad...we all make mistakes" I say. She shifted uncomfortably in the hand cuffs from behind "these things are damn tight" she groaned and huffed.

Flash back~
I started backing up, trying not to show my fear but couldn't help it. "Get the fuck out!..when my brother hears about this, he'll be beat the living hell outta you faster then you can blink!" I threatened.

The soc laughed "well I don't see him around, do I?" He smirked. I realized I had backed up into the dresser. Luckily, I remembered I kept a blade on top of it. I quickly reached for the bald and held it tightly in my hand.
End of flashback~

When we arrived at the police station, the cops grabbed both Skye and I, as they lead us in.
We were ordered to take a seat on the bench (still in hand cuffs)

"Why the hell shou-"Skye..nows not the time" Skye tried to protest but I wasn't playing games tonight...and frankly, neither were those cops. I mean, did she forget that their the ones with the guns here after all.

She huffed but sat down beside me. "Now I'm only gonna say this once, who's your legal guardians? I need a name to call" one cop spoke. I suddenly got worried. I didn't exactly have one.

"Darryl Curtis..he can come and bail us out" Skye spoke.

"I told you a legal guardian, and I know he isn't one...but I'm not waisting my time with trash, I'll be back" he said before walking away, followed by his partner.

I looked to Skye and let out a breathe I didn't even realize I was holding. "He'll vouch for us" she nodded, reassuring. I did the same.

I held the blade tight with my knuckles. "Get. Out." I spoke lowly. He gulped a little and put his hands up "okay..come on now, sweets...no need to get all tuff" he reassured.

"Get. Out." I repeated as I walked closer to him, the blade aimed right at him. He didn't say anything before rushing out.
End of flashback~

I wasn't sure to tell Skye about last night. I didn't see any reason to? But then again, she's in this just as much now. Okay, I'll tell her later. I looked around the room 'now is definitely not a good time though' I thought.

About an hour later, I heard the doors open and looked to see Darry, Soda, and Pony. 'Thank god'

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