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The group reached the prison, but not before the group had stopped on the road to do even more arguing about Merle.

Glenn's focus was on Rick failing to deal with Merle, while Rick stood by his decision.

Isabella had let the men sort out their issues, she wasn't in the mood to argue with her wounds.

When they got to the prison, Beth bounded up to Rick and placed a quick kiss on his cheek to which he awkwardly patted her back.

Isabella internally gagged at the sight and continued into the prison, ignoring the young, naive girl.

Bear then bounded out and wagged his tail as she greeted him.

Glenn, Maggie, and Isabella then all went off with Hershel to get fixed up.

After Isabella got sutured up, she noticed Rick hurry into the other cell block.

"What happened?" she raised an eyebrow at Hershel as she put her jacket back on.

"Another group got in the prison while y'all were gone," he explained. "They don't seem dangerous, but it's up to Rick on what happens with them."

Isabella knew Rick wouldn't decide at the moment, so she decided to look for Judith.

She headed into Rick's cell, where Beth was playing with Judith, and Bear was lying down next to Judith's makeshift crib.

"How's your arm?" Beth smiled as she handed the baby girl to her.

"I'll be okay," she smiled, softly rocking Judith as Beth quietly dismissed herself.

Soon, Rick entered the cell and smiled at the sight of Judith.

He took her in his arms and Isabella smiled at the warmth in Rick's eyes.

Then Rick fell silent as he seemed to fall into a trance.

"Rick?" Isabella raised her eyebrows. "Rick?"

He shook his head, falling out of the trance, and quickly apologized, before handing Judith back over to Isabella.

Soon enough, Beth and Carol entered the cell to do their daily task of fawning over the newborn.

The girls began chatting about everything, and soon Carol begged Isabella to go bring Daryl back.

"Going with Merle was his decision and his alone," she sighed, shaking her head, bouncing the baby. "I know what's going through his mind, we can't force him to come back if he doesn't want to."

"I know," Carol hummed sadly, as the three of them headed out of the cell after Isabella had put Judith down for her nap. "I just miss him."

"Me too, but we can't force him to come back if he doesn't want to," Isabella sighed. "If he wants to come back, he will, but it has to be on his own time, not ours."

After the ladies put Judith down for her nap, they headed down to the cellblock where a commotion was going on.

Rick didn't want the group to stay and through the begging to be allowed to stay, he snapped and pulled out his gun, flaring it everywhere.

Bear growled as the group fell silent.

When it became directed at her, Isabella took a step forward in front of Carl; she knew he would never intentionally hurt them, but right now, his head wasn't in the right place.

The group ran out of the cellblock and Isabella sighed at the fact that now they wouldn't have more numbers.

She understood why he would see that to be the best option, but still, they had an impending war headed their way and they needed all the manpower they could use.

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