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Isabella sighed, staring down at the metal bottom of the pickup truck.

It had been two months now, two months since the world had ended.

They stayed at the nursing home, boarded it all up, leaving only one entrance open for the group to go out into the city and scavenge.

Her eyes darted her arm, which still had a scar from two weeks ago, when a bullet had grazed her.

A group came to the nursing home, and tried to take it, but the group fought back, and managed to send the other group running with their tails tucked under them.

Her cheek still had the scar, it hadn't healed.

She still hadn't told Guillermo what really happened, and thankfully, she hadn't run into Thomás.

"Alright!" Her head snapped up, to see the guys all climbing out the truck.

She grumbled, and climbed out, loading her crossbow.

"I'll take the back," she said, walking away from the small group.

"Isabella, if G found out-" One of the men started to say.

"He won't find out," she rolled her eyes, continuing walking away.

"As soon as we get those guns, we're heading straight back remember!" he yelled back at Isabela.

"Yeah, yeah," she waved him off and began walking through the alley.

She turned a corner of a building and spotted two men talking.

She ran behind a dumpster and ducked so only her eyes were visible.

One of them had a crossbow, and she glanced at hers.

"Ye got some balls for a chinaman," the man grunted, loading his crossbow.

A redneck, his accent was clear.

The Asian man glanced back at him. "I'm Korean," he corrected the redneck before running off leaving the redneck behind.

"Whatever," the guy grumbled.

The Korean man then ran off into the street.

Shit, they were going for the guns.

Isabella sighed before gripping her crossbow, and slowly approaching the dumpster where the redneck was hiding.

She was ready in case the man tried anything, her crossbow aimed.

Suddenly, the redneck shot up and aimed his crossbow at her.

"Who are you?" she growled at him, the tips of their bows set to kill the other if needed.

"Ye better be careful, don't want ye to hurt yerself," the redneck growled, continuing to aim his crossbow at her.

"You better stop aiming that at me," she growled, tightening her grip.

"Or what?" the redneck glared at her.

She had enough, she then swung her crossbow towards the redneck, and he ducked, grabbing her and shoving her against the wall.

"Big mistake," he growled staring her in the eyes.

His eyes were blue, she noticed. She'd never met anyone with blue eyes.

"Let go of me!" she struggled.

"Can't do that," he shook his head, aiming his crossbow at her head with one arm.

"Ayudame!" she then yelled, not caring if he would shoot her.

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