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Isabella woke to find herself in the infirmary back home. Rick sat in the chair next to her bed and she could faintly hear some group members outside the door.

"R-Rick?" She mustered up and his head snapped to her.

"Oh thank god," he breathed out, rushing to her side and grabbing her hand.

"How long was I out?" Isabella pinched the bridge of her nose from the headache she had.

"A day, you passed out as soon as everything was handled with the prisoner," he said. "Denise said it was probably a concussion."

"From the beatings?" She scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I even gave them the chance to do that to you," Rick apologized.

"It's not on you, I'm the one who chose to stay out there," Isabella shook her head. "Besides, they got what was coming for them."

The door swung open and Carl burst into the room with Judith in his hands.

"Mom! You're okay!" He hurried to her side.

"Don't tell me y'all thought you would lose me from a silly beating," Isabella laughed.

"No, but I was still worried," Carl said.

Denise came in shortly after, replacing any bandages on her minor cuts on her face.

"You're good to go home tonight," Denise smiled.

"Thank you," Isabella nodded at the woman.

"Was hoping you wouldn't go out without a fight," Daryl said as he went in after Denise walked out.

"Sleeping beauty's awake?" Abraham asked and Sasha followed him.

"Glad to see you," Glenn laughed.

"Is this a party? Did I miss something?" Isabella laughed.

"Only the best for the toughest son of a bitch I know," Abraham nodded and soon they headed out the room, leaving the small family.

"Um, Carl, can you find Denise? I need to ask her something," Isabella softly asked.

"Of course," he nodded and ran off to find her.

"Everything alright?" Rick asked curiously.

"It is, I just need to check with something. Is it okay if you leave us for a moment?"

"I won't stay out long," Rick nodded, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you," she smiled.

Denise shortly walked in and the room was empty.

"Is everything okay?"

"Before I left Hilltop, I learned I was pregnant," she explained.

"Oh congratulations!" Denise smiled. "I know you and Rick will be good parents, I mean y'all are already amazing ones but what's one more right?"

"Right," Isabella softly laughed. "But I just want to see if you can check if I still am? I didn't get hit in the stomach but you never know."

"I have some pregnancy tests, I'll be back." Denise nodded and hurried out the room.

Isabella lifted herself off the bed, cringing as she got a glimpse of the burn mark on her hand.

Damn Saviors, she thought.

Denise came in and Isabella took two to the restroom, doing the tests.

"Would it be better for me to get Maggie? She's right outside?" Denise asked. "No hurt feelings."

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