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The next day Isabella woke to Judith staring at her from the floor next to the bed.

Thuds coming from Carl's room prevented her from falling back asleep and she groaned as she got up, smiling down at Judith who sat where her feet were.

"Hi sweetie," she hummed, bringing down some toys for the child to play with at the entrance of the room.

Isabella hopped into the shower and relaxed at the water's touch. She got out and put on jeans and a brown coat. She went to brush her teeth but frowned when she couldn't squeeze anymore out.

She opened the cabinet below to see if there were any spares down there and reached her hand into the dark crevice.

She felt something brush along her fingers and she shrieked, jumping back in surprise, causing her to hit the back of her head against the bottom of the cabinet.

Rick barged into the room with a worried look.

"You alright?"

"I- no look!" She exasperatedly pointed at a large spider crawling out.

"A spider?" Rick looked at her with a grin before stomping on it. "You've survived the end of the world and are scared of spiders?"

"Woah don't attack me, Guillermo would dangle them over my head as a kid, always telling me they'd kill me with a bite," she defended herself as he put the spider into the trash.

He laughed.

"Still, you're my hero," Isabella smiled.

"Did you hit your head?" He asked, noticing she rubbed it for a moment. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, I just got scared is all," she ressaured him.

Still, he made her bend down so he could see if a bruise formed or not and she chuckled as he did.

"No bruises," he said.

"Thank you doctor," she joked and turned to give him a kiss before he went back into their bedroom.

She heard Boston's More Than a Feeling playing and was putting a new hole into his belt.

"We're out of toothpaste by the way," Isabella said, walking into the room, rubbing some lotion over her arms.

"I'll keep an eye out," he said, putting the belt on.

"Jesus, that thudding is bothering me," Isabella said.

"Carl!" Rick called.

"What? Denise says it's PT!" He called.

"I can't hear you, come on out," Rick laughed.

Carl walked out his room into the hall leading to their bedroom.

"Denise says it's for PT," both he and Rick said at the same time.

"You did hear me," Carl scoffed with a smile.

"Yeah," Rick laughed.

"Looks like we need to change that bandage, I'll do it once your dad leaves," Isabella then said and Carl nodded, leaving the two of them.

"You sure you don't want to come? I'm willing to ditch Daryl for you," Rick said with a grin.

"Nah, you boys go have your fun, we just got back from our own anyways," Isabella shook her head.

"Just be careful okay?" She told Rick as she followed him outside with Judith on her hip.

"I always am," he said as they continued to head to the gate.

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