It was the next day, and it was evident there was a lift in everyone's mood.

Rick was officially back, his smile was as genuine as it could be, and that made the group happier.

Happy knowing their leader was back, functional, and at peace for now.

Carol was still missing, meaning the group only assumed the worst happened to her, and they held a small funeral in her honor, along with T-Dog and Lori.

Above all else, even with the shitty week, the group had had, Isabella was glad Carl had his dad back.

Carl was in mourning, just like Rick, and he wouldn't be able to do it alone, but now he had Rick to lean on.

Isabella missed going in their cell every night, she missed tucking Carl in for bed and taking care of Judith, but she was also glad Rick stepped back up.

Right now, Rick and Carl were outside taking a walk, hopefully continuing to catch up on everything.

Isabella was pacing inside her cell, as Maggie and Glenn had gone on a supply run hours ago, and were very late in their return.

Bear whined as she paced, sensing something was wrong.

Endless thoughts ran through her mind with every possibility running around.

Did they just run out of gas and were walking all the way back?

Did they get in a car accident?

Did they get trapped by a horde somewhere?

Did they get eaten?

Did they get kidnapped and are being tortured by some sicko?


Isabella screwed her eyes shut, hoping it wasn't that.

The feelings of when she was a captive, was still fresh in her, and she wouldn't want anyone in the group to go through what she went through.

She didn't want Maggie and Glenn getting hurt, she liked them, they both treated her as friends, heck, Glenn was one of the first people to give her a chance.

Even with what her group had done to him.

"We need to go looking for them," she whispered to herself, just as she heard the cell door swing open, with low muttering.

She grabbed her crossbow from her bed, and bounded downstairs with Bear close behind, hurrying to the voices, hoping Rick would have reason to believe her.

She swung open the door and came to a halt at the sight.

There was a bloody, dark-skinned woman, who was glaring daggers into Rick while he asked her questions and Hershel patched her up.

Isabella stared at the woman, not liking the amount of hate radiating from the woman to Rick.

The woman glanced at Isabella, before looking down at her own weapon lying in front of her, and quickly dodged for it.

Rick hissed as he kicked the sword out of her reach while Isabella raised her crossbow and Bear growled at her side as he took a step towards the stranger. The two took a step closer, as she kept the tip of her arrow aimed at her.

"We won't hurt you if you don't do anything stupid okay?" Rick scowled, before darting his eyes over to isabella. "Lower your crossbow, she won't hurt us."

Isabella remained frozen, glaring at the woman who was equally matching hers.

"Isabella!" Isabella winced as she looked at Rick, who held a stern look at her, with narrowed eyes.

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