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The next day was a mess.

Isabella had gone down in the catacombs alone; she was placing supplies randomly across the halls in case the governor attacked and some members got stranded down there.

It wasn't long before she heard voices, which she found belonged to Merle and Michonne.

She was leading him through the tomb to take out a threat Rick told them to; which was odd since Isabella knew he never mentioned any of that to the group.

She then saw him strike Michonne unconscious and she froze.

She reached for her crossbow but forgot she left it upstairs in her cell.

"What the fuck?" Isabella hissed as she revealed herself, holding a knife in one hand.

"The group already wants you gone and this shit won't help you," Isabella narrowed her eyes at him before her eyes flickered down to the unconscious woman.

"Yeah well the group can kiss my ass sweetheart," Merle scoffed stepping toward her.

"Back off!" Isabella shouted as loud as possible in hope of getting someone's attention. "And don't call me sweetheart. I respect Daryl but I won't defend you just to make him happy."

"Oh the feeling's mutual," he snickered. "But it's clear if I hurt you, Officer Friendly would kill me on the spot since the two of y'all been getting really close lately."

"We aren't close," Isabella rebutted him, not wanting to discuss her situation of Rick with the crazy redneck. "Now let Michonne go and I promise I won't tell the others about this."

"Nah, sorry sugar," he shook his head before attacking Isabella.

She did her best to fight back and even managed to slash his forearm, but he was stronger and faster.

It wasn't long before he managed to knock her on the ground unconscious.


Isabella woke in a cold cell, with her hands roped to a chair and a cloth covering her mouth.

She recognized the cellblock to be E, one deep in the catacomb where the group members rarely went.

She knew the group wouldn't find her here and she had to get herself out.

She had to warn them about Merle taking Michonne, but she wouldn't be surprised if they had already found out she was missing.

She wondered if he was gonna turn her into the governor, but mostly why he didn't kill Isabella when he had the chance?

Was it a sick joke for him to have her starve and die in the cell when she can't escape?

Or did he not since he truly believed Rick cared for her in that way?

To be frank, she didn't know what the group would do if something did happen to her; she knew they had some amount of respect and some liked her, but would her death leave a lasting impact on them? Or would she just be another forgotten group member?

She shook the thoughts out her head; she didn't care if the group would miss her, she wasn't going to die in the prison. She couldn't leave Bear behind and she damn sure wasn't going to leave Carl.

She began putting all her effort into escaping while doing her best to scream through the gauze.

A few hours later, and Isabella was in the same spot.

She hadn't even wriggled her hands lose, her wrists were red and beginning to bleed but she wasn't going to give up.

She didn't know what was happening out there and she didn't know if the group would look for her here; she figured they assumed she'd been taken by Merle.

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