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Rick and the others had soon returned in the morning, but they weren't alone.

There was a young man in the backseat, who the group learned was Randall.

His group had attacked Rick and the others while they were searching for Hershel, and the kid was left behind, so they took him hostage.

The group had went inside to discuss the prisoner, but Isabella stayed outside, the memory of her being in the kids shoes being too fresh much to Rick's protest, who claimed she was a member now, and she had a voice.

Isabella refused, and instead waited on the bed of her truck, playing with Bear as she waited for the group to exit the house and inform her of what they decided.

She wondered if the group would come to a decision on Randall today, but she knew it wasn't likely.

Rick would probably just inform them of the situation and explain all the possible routes and leave it at that.

She wondered if she'd be there when the group would discuss Randall's fate, as she was in his shoes just days ago.

Would she favor his survival?

Or would she favor killing him?

She soon spotted the group leave the house, all except Rick and Lori, so instead she went to Daryl seeking answers on the issue.

He gave her minor details, saying that Rick and Hershel that once the man could walk, they'd release him, same as they did Isabella.

They would leave him with one weapon, tied up and far enough from the farm so he wouldn't know where it was.

Isabella slightly sighed in relief, not wanting the group to ruin his life, even if his group attacked them.

The group had taken a chance on her, even after Atlanta, and she was grateful for that.

She couldn't help but wonder if he knew where the farm was. Isabella hadn't, but she had known the general direction of the farm since she remembered what road she had left the truck and was just planning on following the signs to that road, but instead she stumbled across Daryl and Rick.

Eventually, the day came where Rick and Shane took Randall out, and Isabella was sitting at the campfire, continuing the skin the squirrels she managed to kill while hunting that day.

"Andrea!" Lori's shouting caused Isabella's head to snap to where she was, sprinting to them. "Have you seen Hershel or Maggie?"

"Hershel no," Andrea shook her head from the top of the RV where she was keeping lookout. "But Glenn and Maggie walked by half an hour ago."

"When you find them, tell Maggie I need her okay?" Lori panted as she turned to sprint back into the house.

Isabella scrunched her eyebrows and locked eyes with Andra.

"I'll go see what's up," she muttered and placed the squirrels on the log before sprinting to the house.

She found out Beth had a knife, and was contemplating suicide.

Isabella ran her hand through her hair and spotted Maggie hurry in a few minutes later, rushing up to Beth's room when Lori explained the situation.

Soon, Andrea entered the kitchen and the three ladies waited in the kitchen, hearing the screaming and shouting between the two girls.

"Where's Hershel?" Andrea pipped and Isabella looked over to her from where she was leaning against the cabinet connected to the fridge.

"He doesn't want to find out yet," Lori put some food in her mouth. "It's a family matter, they'll work it out."

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