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"Why don't you pull that arrow brother?" Merle smacked his lips.

"You could bind your wound better."

Daryl wanted to punch him, his brother was a prick.

But, he couldn't hide the relief, he had finally found his brother.

"Merle," he let out a small laugh.

"Whats going on here? You taking a siesta or what?" he scoffed.

"Having a shitty day bro," Daryl muttered, his eyes continuing to focus in and out on Merle.

"Want me to go get you a pillow?" he smirked. "Maybe rub your feet."

"Screw you," Daryl rolled his eyes.

"Uh-huh," Merle said sarcastingly. "Looks like your the one screwed here. Especially that damn puppy you found."

"Ain't got no puppy," Daryl didn't catch what Merle was referring to.

"That damn girl you got locked up, you want to let her go," Merle smacked his lips shaking his head. "All those years I tried to make you a man and this is what I get?"

Merle continued ranting, and Daryl felt his mind growing groggy.

"Your going to die, and for what?"

"A little girl," Daryl muttered. "They lost a little girl."

"So you got a thing for little girls too?"

"Shut up," Daryl scoffed.

"I noticed you ain't looking for old Merle no more," Merle shook his head.

"Tried like hell to find you bro."

"Like hell you did, you split man," Merle rolled his eyes.

"You lit out, all ye had to do was wait. We went back for ya, Rick and I, we did right by you," Daryl groaned.

"The same prick that handcuffed me to the roof in the first place? Forced me to cut off my own hand."

Daryl felt his pupils grow large, he had a concussion for sure. His eyes traveled down Merle, to where his hand was, and there it was. Clear as a day.

"You met that girl there too," Merle said. "Finally got some action."

"Shut up," he replied, his voice soft.

"You their bitch now?" Merle smirked.

"I ain't nobody's bitch," Daryl growled.

"A joke is what you are, playing errand boy for a bunch of pansyasses niggers and democrats. You're nothing but a freak to them," Merle smirked down at his brother. "Redneck trash. Yeah, they're laughing at you behind your back you know that?" he paused. "Now i got some news for you, one of these days, they're going to scrape you off their heels like your dog shit."

His brother stood up, smiling down at Daryl as he felt himself slipping out of consciousness.

"Hey," he bent down and patted Daryl on the chest. "They ain't yer kin, ain't ever been, your blood. You go back there and shoot Rick in the face for me got it?" he stood back up, lightly kicking Daryl on the foot.

Daryl ignored his brother and closed his eyes for a second.

He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep.

"Hey!" Merle shouted, and began kicking more roughly on his foot, causing Daryl's eyes to flutter open for a split second, taking in the sight of his brother.

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