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Upstairs Isabella was relieved to discover that the men inside were scattered from one another. Two were on the first floor guarding the door, but the other must've been on the floor above her.

She continued up the stairs deciding to deal with the one alone.

She reached the top floor and searched the rooms for him. She looted whatever supplies she came across and eventually spotted him eating at a table with some earbuds in.

She brought out the switchblade and snuck up behind the guy, before grabbing him from behind.

He opened his mouth to say anything but before he could, she slit his throat and dropped his body to the ground.

"Pete?" She heard one of the guys downstairs call out and she froze.

She knew they must've heard his body hit the ground.

"We're going up there!" She heard them say and it wasn't long till she heard their footsteps slowly ascending the stairs.

"Shit, shit, shit," she whispered as she took cover behind a couch near the doorway.

They entered the room and froze at the sight.

"Holy shit," one of the men said and walked to his body, and knelt, pressing his fingers to the dead mans' neck.

"Find who did this," the other said as Isabella suddenly sprang out and grabbed him from behind.

"Hey!" the other guy shouted but before he could send a shot at her she sent a silenced shot in his head.

"Travis!" The man she was holding cried.

"Just shut it," she spat as she then sent the switchblade into his neck and dropped his body to the ground.

She sighed as she then checked their bodies for their bullets and found some bullets for the revolver on one of them.

"Gotta be more careful," she softly spoke to herself as she then bounded down the stairs.

Before she went outside the building, she considering closing the doors so the reanimated corpses wouldn't raise alarm but she decided not to. Pinning the walkers against these people would help distract them from her.

"Okay, you can do this," she reassured herself before slowly opening the front doors.

"Just one more day here and we can finally fucking leave this shithole," a savior told another beside him as they walked down a path that was across Isabella.

"Shit," she hissed as she dove into the tall grass that lined the stone walkway.

She was lucky that most of the ground was overrun in tall grass and ferns. It'd be the perfect cover for her.

She scanned where everyone was and spotted that some were close together, some were spread out or some were missing.

She knew some had to be asleep but she had no idea where they slept. Her cell window only gave sight of the courtyard and the buildings in front it. The place they slept was out of sight so she had no idea what to expect.

Then again, all she cared for were the saviors. Considering there were only eight of them, it'd be a walk in the park.

She knew once the bodies started the pile, it'd raise an alarm and she wouldn't survive so many people shooting at her and escape.

All she had to do was get to the armory, if she could get her hands on any of the weapons, she knew it would be a straight shot out and back home.

Still, she knew she had to be smart with her next moves.

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