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The next day, while Carl went out with Rick to learn to shoot a gun again, Isabella got to work on setting up a surprise party for Carl.

She planned on having it tomorrow and would go around town to give invitations out.

"You ready Judith?" Isabella called out as she threw on a sweater and went into the living room where Judith bounced in her little baby walker, playing and throwing the toys she had. She'd also been repeating dadda over and over which Rick laughed at as it seemed to be her new favorite word.

Bear ran over to them and began to sniff at whatever was in the child' hands.

"Bear!" Isabella told him and he turned to her, lying on his back for a belly rub.

Judith walked to Bear and lightly slapped her hands down on his exposed belly.

"No, like this sweetie," Isabella said, gently showing Judith how to do it.

Judith was quick to pick up the pattern and cooed as Bear lay, letting her do it as many times as she wanted to.

"Okay baby, playtime's over for now," she said and then put Judith in the stroller. She then called Bear and the three of them walked out.

As she walked she let Bear sniff the grass around him but called him back if he got too far. She was glad she didn't have to have him leashed up due his excellent callback.

She went to Glenn and Maggie's house first.

Glenn answered the door shirtless and Isabella laughed.

"I don't think Maggie would appreciate me seeing you like that," she joked.

"You didn't have to knock you know," Glenn laughed as he held the door wider and she entered with Judith and Bear.

"I know," she shrugged.

Maggie came from upstairs and tossed a shirt at Glenn.

"Thank you. Another minute like that and I would've gone blinder than I already am," Isabella joked.

"I thought you used contacts?" Glenn asked.

"When the farm fell I lost my solution and such, so I had to eventually ditch them. I've asked Daryl and Aaron to keep an eye out for glasses but no such luck," she shrugged.

"So to what do we owe the lovely gesture of you coming over?" Maggie asked.

"I've come to invite you both over for a little surprise thing I'm having for Carl, to show him we all care. Rick won't be in on it, so neither of you spill the beans okay? I plan on doing it tomorrow," she said and handed them a folded piece of paper with the information.

"Do you need any help?" Glenn asked.

"If I do, I'll make Daryl and Abraham slave away on decorations while I cook. You just bring yourselves," Isabella told them.

"If you need our help, we will," Maggie said.

Isabella nodded and left the house to go make more rounds.

She ended up inviting all the people she knew cared for Carl. She invited the group they'd reached Alexandria with and the few who went out their way to treat the others with kindness, such as Aaron, Eric and Denise.

The next day, while Rick and Carl went out for more gun training, she began to prepare for that night.

Daryl, Abraham, Sasha, Maggie and Glenn ended up helping out both with decorations and reorganizing the rooms.

Rosita volunteered for watch so she could stall Rick and Carl if needed.

It didn't take them long to get everything done, and the Isabella had made a variety of foods to choose from.

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