Isabella woke the next morning to the feeling of Rick's arms wrapped about her from behind. She smiled as she wiggled herself around so she faced his sleeping form.

She placed kisses on all sides of his face and he woke with a smile, bringing her closer to him.

"Morning sleepyhead," she smiled, kissing him again.

"Mmm, I like waking up this way."

She smiled and kissed him once more before getting out of bed, pulling clothes over her exposed body.

"Do we have to get up?" Rick groaned as Isabella tied her hair into a ponytail.

"We can't play hooky."

Rick sighed dramatically as he sat up in bed and Isabella walked to his side of the bed, bringing him for another kiss.

"I'm going to be working in the lab today, not sure how far I'll get but you have to take care of the kids," she pushed away from him.

"Alright, alright, just let me get dressed okay?" he said.

"You have two minutes and then I'm out of here," Isabella smiled as she walked out the room, and headed downstairs where Carl was getting some water.

"Hey Carl," Isabella smiled at him as she waited at the base of the stairs for Rick. "How'd you sleep?"

"Well, I heard a noise from y'alls room last night. That about sums it up," he drylysaid.

"Oh," was all Isabella said, uncomfortable for herself nad Cal.

"Yeah," he shivered trying not to think of his parents doing that and went back upstairs.

"You ready?" Rick asked and he headed down the stairs, clasping his watch on.

"Let's hurry," Isabella exclaimed and she hurried out which got a confused look from Rick.

"What was that about?"

"Carl... he heard us last night," she whispered.

"We were quiet though," Rick said, looking back at the house before paying attention to Isabella as they headed to the lab.

"I guess not quiet enough," she replied.

"Guess we'll have to start finding places outside the house huh?"

"Rick!" Isabella gasped, lightly hitting his arm.

"That was just assault and battery against a police officer, you'll have to be punished now."

"Oh yeah? What're you doing to do, arrest me?" she smirked as they kept walking.

"I might have to," he said and Isabella laughed.

She then spotted Maggie on the platform, and while she knew she needed to go to work on the lab, she knew her friend needed her more.

Rick followed her new direction to the platform.

"You think she's been up there all night?" Isabella whispered.

"Can you blame her?"

The pair then climbed the ladder and Maggie looked at them with bags under her eyes from not getting any sleep.

"Hey love, how're you doing?" Isabella gently asked.

"I'm okay," Maggie said.

"You sure?"

"Really, I am," she said. "I thought you would be in the lab?"

"My best friend needs me more right now."

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