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Soon the sun came up and Isabella got a good look at their captors.

It was about eight of them, with a red headed girl taking the lead.

"Nice jacket," one of the women, a pretty girl, told Maggie.

"For a murderous bitch," another chimed.

Isabella then faintly saw the group run out the building, and she sighed in relief seeing they all lived. She saw Tara and Heath leave and she was glad at least two members would be safe from the group.

The sound of a motorcycle escaping the side of the building caught their attention, and Isabella saw the man get shot off by and tackled by Daryl.

Rick walked to the man, aiming his gun down at the man.

The redhead woman took the walkie, fed up with the situation.

"Put the gun down prick," she said and everyone's heads swiveled to the walkie. "You, with the colt python, put it down. All of you, lower your weapons."

"Come on, we can talk," Rick said, grabbing the walkie, his eyes scanning the woods for anything.

"We're not coming out, but we'll talk," the woman said. "Names," she turned to the three women.

Isabella continued glaring at the woman.

"Names?" She snapped again.

"Kiss my ass," Isabella scowled.

"I'm Maggie, she's Carol and she's Isabella," Maggie silently said, ignoring the shocked look from Isabella.

"We've got a Carol, a Maggie and a Isabella," the redhead said. "I'm thinking that's something you want to talk about."

The women couldn't see it, but the group stood in shock at that.

Rick almost broke hearing Isabella's name. He didn't want to think of anything happening to her.

Glenn's face broke at the sound of Maggie.

The redhead made demands into the walkie and Rick needed to make sure everyone was okay first.

"You say anything else I'll kill all of you," the redhead said, going to Carol first.

"Rick, it's Carol, I'm okay bu-" The woman cut Carol off.

"Now you."

"Rick, it's Maggie. We're okay, we'll figu-"

"And now you."

"Rick it's Isabella, I'm okay, I'm ok-"

"You got your proof, now let's talk," the woman snarled into the walkie.

"Right here right now, we make the trade and you live," Rick said.

"Three for one, that's not much of a trade," the woman said.

"You don't have much of a choice or you would've done something about it already," Rick said.

Isabella hated that she couldn't get them out of there.

She'd gotten out of worse back on the road alone and she hated herself for letting herself get weak.

She silently vowed to kill as many of these assholes as she could.

The redhead woman's name turned out to be Paula; her and her husband kept arguing about what to do. She didn't want to make the trade but he did.

Rick went back on the walkie, trying to convince them.

"Do we have a deal?" He asked.

"I'll get back to you," Paula said and sent a nod to the woman holding a gun to the three women.

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