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The group joined up on the porch, and Daryl was skinning a possum. Everyone else was quiet.

"You two look like two damn rays of sunshine," Abraham said.

Isabella gave him a laugh before going to Maggie of what happened moments before.

"Congratulations, it's about damn time," Glenn told her.

"It's like I learn new secrets about you everyday," Maggie laughed.

The two laughed and for a moment everything felt normal.

Rick told the group they'd all sleep in the house and everyone agreed. Everyone went inside and Isabella called Bear to follow.

While everyone settled in, Isabella went off to find blankets for everyone. She was surprised to find that the house was well stocked and soon everyone had a pillow and blanket.

While handing a blanket to Daryl, she overheard Michonne compliment Rick's shaved face. Isabella couldn't help the look of jealousy on her face. She knew she shouldn't have been but yet there she was.

"Still jealous huh?" Daryl asked and she broke into a smile.

"Oh hush. Now that we've found a safe place, maybe now you can help me tattoo over the thing we shall not speak of."

He nodded and soon a knock on the door was heard.

Rick opened it and it was Deanna, checking in how everyone settled in. Before she left, she too made a comment about Rick's beard and Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Does anyone else want to compliment my husband's looks?" Isabella asked and the group laughed, as did Rick.

Soon the group was about to head to bed and Isabella followed Maggie into the kitchen.

"Maggie," she said, and opened her bag to reveal the baby supplies she'd found at Noah's community. "I found these in Richmond. If you really are pregnant, these would help get you a long way."

"Thank you," Maggie smiled and brought her in for a hug.

"Have you told Glenn yet?" she asked.

"I told him earlier, he seems excited."

"Well the two of you will be the best parents, I know that kid will be lucky to have you as their parents."

The two went back to the living room where they all fell asleep.


The next morning, Isabella was among the first to wake; it was still partially dark out so she let the others sleep as much as possible.

Daryl was awake and the two went to the upstairs bathroom to begin working on a tattoo. They didn't want to wake the others, and Daryl had managed to find a tattoo gun from the community; he stole it for now but would return it once they were done.

Daryl began sketching some fern leaves and Rick's watch blended in the middle.

"Have you ever done a tattoo before?" she asked.

"A few," he shrugged. "This will probably take a day or two, unless you want to sit here for hours."

"Either way's fine with me," she shrugged.

A few hours into it, Daryl had just about finished with the watch. Rick entered the restroom and spotted the pair.

"It looks nice so far," he said from the doorframe and Isabella nodded.

"Guess Daryl knows what he's doing huh?"

Daryl simply snorted while never taking his eyes from the task.

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