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Isabella woke with her head throbbing, and once again, her hands tied to the wall, however the ropes weren't as tight before.

She groaned as the pain in her head grew, her eyes fluttering around as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings.

Images flowed through her head as she suddenly remembered what had occured, the memory of her saving Daryl and then to him tricking her and taking her back to the farm, causing her to end up in this situation.

"Fuck!" she yelled as she pulled on the cuffs, anger radiating through her body, all of it directed at him. If he were to show his face, she would fight, show no mercy and get revenge, he won't get away easily.

"Fuck," she repeated, letting her body slump against the back wall and sighed, wishing she was back at the nursing home with Guillermo.

She hated that place, every inch of her body did, but it was what she was usd to.

She wouldn't be in this predicament if she was still there, she wouldn't have bruises all over her body, she would have Bear at her side, and most importantly, she would have her brother back.

She opened her eyes and tried to look through the distant small cracks, but it was dark outside.

No use in that.

She shook her head angrily. She had to escape, she couldn't stay. She grabbed tightly on the rope, yanking as hard as she could, but to no avail.

She had to find something. Her eyes scanned the shed, hoping she could spot something. Her eyes landed a sharp piece of metal, sticking from the wall, but it was too far away.

She scowled looking for any alternatives and her breath hitched as she spotted a pair of scissors lying in the corner.

The scissors Carl used to help her escape.

He must have left them here, but on purpose or on accident?

She grinned as she stretched her body, trying to reach the tool with her feet, they happened to be a lot closer than the piece of metal. She grunted as she stretched as far out as she could, her foot barely touching the scissors.

"Come on," she scowled as she lowered her foot, clasping it between the ground and her foot. She slowly pulled her foot inward, the pair slowly getting closer as she stuck out her free arm, trying to grab them.

She then heard muffled yells of anger and she froze, unsure if they were coming to the shed. The voices soon lowered to the point to where she could no longer hear them and she went back to retrieving the scissors.


"Well then what are we gonna do about her huh?" Shane scowled at Rick.

Daryl stared at the two men trying to decide on what to do with the girl, it had been a day, just yesterday had the dumb bitch escaped and tried to run away.

"We can't just leave her in there forever," Rick sighed.

"We could just kill her."

That got Daryl's attention. He looked up from the ground as Shane stared Rick down.

"I mean, you said her group attacked y'all."

"Yeah, back in Atlanta, three weeks ago," Rick rolled his eyes.

"Well, what if they come back huh? What then," Shane challenged.

"They won't," Daryl spoke up, the two men turing to face him. "Her group, they died, got killed in a herd."

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