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It was the next day, and the group would go clear the remainder of the prison, or at least as much as they could.

Isabella would join in alongside Rick, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, T-Dog and Hershel.

Isabella left Bear in the cellblock with Carl while she ventured out with the others.

They were in the hall and the entire group gagged at the horrific smell, before a small group of walkers caused the group to split.

When they reunited, both Glenn and Maggie were missing, which caused Hershel to break away from the group only for them to hear his horrific screams moments later.

Isabella let out a gasp as she took in the sight of a walker clawing at his leg, before hearing a bolt whiz by her.

Isabella quickly shook herself out of the shock as she hurried over to Herhsel, helping Rick lead him into a clear cell block.

Maggie began to sob and Isabella unwound her sweater from her waist, and she noticed Rick scramble for his ax.

He gave no hesitation and brought his ax down onto Hershel's leg, causing a scream to erupt from his lips, and Maggie spilling tears.

Isabella did her best to console Maggie as Rick finally managed to get Hershels foot off, and tied his stump with Isabella's jacket.

They managed to cut his leg off, but now they would have to get him back, and ensure his survival.

But then the group noticed they weren't alone.

Isabella sprung into action, holding her crossbow high with Daryl doing the same.

A group of men emerged from around the corner who shock and horror on their faces, and isabella's breath hitched as the sight.

There he was.

There was Tómas.

He wasn't in a jumpsuit like the others, in everyday clothes, and his face was dirty, with stains of sweat and blood on his shirt.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Tómas asked as the group pulled out their weapons, preparing to fight if necessary.

Tómas hadn't spotted Isabella yet, instead focusing fully on the limp Hershel five feet behind Isabella.

The men took a step forward, causing the group to raise their weapons.

"Stay the hell back!" Isabella hissed, causing Tómas' eyes to flicker to Isabella, his eyes growing wide at the sight of her.

"Isabella?" he asked him shock, taking a half-step forward.

"I said stay back asshole!" she yelled, sending him a hard glare as she ignored the confused looks from the group.

"Do you have medical supplies?" Glenn asked, and didn't wait for them to respond as he squeezed past them into the room the men were.

Glenn hurried back out with a trolly, and Isabella lowered her crossbow as she ignored Tómas, going to help Hershel whose condition was worsening.

The group didn't wait and hurried out the cell block, pushing Hershel on a table.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Rick growled at Isabella.

"Noone," Isabella answered as the group came to stop, noticing the prisoners were following them. "Just someone from my past."

The group ignored them, and broke back into the prison cell where the remainder of the group was, laying Hershel on a bed to which Carol and Lori immediately began to help the elderly man..

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