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Isabella held a glazed over look in her eyes as she stared at the ground and slowly slid down against the wall. She came to the floor and just stared into oblivion.

All she heard were muffled voices. Denise's voice was muffled as she worked on the child. Aaron's voice was muffled as he tried to comfort her.

All she heard were the faint vibrations of their voices.

Aaron bent in front of her, doing his best to catch her attention but she didn't even glance at him. Aaron asked Denise something but Isabella didn't know what it was.

He sat next to her and placed an arm around her.

She remained frozen for some moments before snaping out of her trance, she knew she needed to see her kid. She slowly got up and Aaron said something softly as he helped her up.

Isabella saw Carl's lifeless body and it made her want to go numb again but she knew she had to be strong. Aaron brought out a stool next to the gurney and she sent him a grateful nod as she sat, taking Carl's hand.

"It's going to be okay baby, you'll be fine, you're going to beat this," she whispered, putting his limp hand against her cheek.

Denise continued operating on Carl and hours later she finished. Rick was still out there, and Aaron, Heath, Michonne and Spencer ran out to find him.

Isabella knew Michonne had grown closer to Rick and Carl while on the road, she knew Michonne would fight for Rick to come back.

"Wh-What happens now?" Isabella cleared her throat as she turned to look at Denise.

"It's up to him now, I've done all I can," she said. "He's strong, I know he'll pull through."

"He's a Grimes, he has to. He has to," Isabella said, mostly to herself.

The two women then carried Carl to a bed, and Denise wrapped his head. Isabella relaxed a bit, feeling Carl would pull through since he'd survived so far.

Rick then came into the room just as dawn broke. Isabella let herself collapse in his arms once he sat next to her. Soon the only noise in the room was the silent sounds of their cries as they did their best to comfort one another.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I just couldn't see him like that," Rick apologized.

"It's okay, just don't do it again," she whispered.

She knew how Rick was feeling; she'd been the same when she lost Guillermo and Hershel. She also knew Carl needed Rick now more than ever. They were a team and they had to act like it.

The two sat in silence in their chairs, both next to one another. They both held hands while Rick held Carl's hand.

"He's going to be okay. He's pulled through worse," Isabella told him. "He wouldn't dare die because I'd just bring him back and he knows it."

Rick nodded but didn't say anything.

Isabella knew he needed time, and turned back to Carl, and smiled as she brushed a strand of his hair out his face.

"We should cut his hair right now," Isabella joked. "He'd wake up right away and you know it."

For a brief moment, Rick smiled but it didn't stay on his face long.

"The walkers, they're gone," Rick said.

"How?" Isabella looked at him in surprise.

"I had some backup."


Then Daryl broke into the room, and Denise went to him, checking on him. He shrugged her off, wanting her to focus on Carl.

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