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Soon night fell and Isabella caught herself yawning.

"You should get some rest, you probably didn't get enough sleep last night," Rick said and she nodded.

They went back upstairs to the room and while Rick gently took her bag she moved to the the top of the bed and brought herself under the covers.

Rick kissed her forehead and stood up to leave.

"Wait, what about the others? They're having to sleep on the ground and crowded, why do I get my own room?"

"Don't worry about them. It's the least we can do for you after the things you've been through. Go to sleep, the others will be okay."

Isabella nodded and Rick turned the lamp off as he then opened the door to leave the room.

"You're leaving me alone?" She asked and sat up in bed worried.

"Just for a bit. You're okay Isa, you're safe. I promise," he said and she hesitated before nodded.

A moment later Bear slipped his way inside the room and jumped atop the bed, lying at Isabella's feet. Isabella simply smiled at the dog and scratched his ears and Rick then left the room.

She laid back down in silence, staring at the ceiling and her heat raced. It was scary being alone, she should've been used to it by now but she wasn't. She hated being alone now, she needed someone there with her.

She sat up in bed, wanting to go find someone but she sighed and plopped herself back down. They were busy getting things together in case of another attack and tending to their wounded; they didn't need to quite literally babysit her.

She tossed and turned and she sighed as she stared at the door to the room.

She didn't want to become dependent on the others but she knew she had to give in for now. It'd only been a day since she got back, she needed to admit that she wasn't a machine like she thought she was.

Isabella didn't turn her back to the door, finding herself needing to keep an eye on the only exit from the room. She was also ready to jump out of bed and grab her weapon filled bag if she needed to. This was a habit she picked up from being separated from her family again, and when she was on the road with Samantha's group, it felt like she never got any decent shut eye.

She wanted that to change and she knew she was safe, she knew now was the time to sleep deeply if she needed to; but she couldn't. Being on the road for so long, having the threat of the saviors pulling her into the lab at any given moment prevented her from doing so.

So when Isabella heard the faint thump emanating from the ground floor her heartbeat raced as she sat up in bed. Bear picked his head up and her breaths picked up their pace as she kept watching the door, ready to jump if anyone came in to hurt her but was too frozen to reach for her bag.

She wasn't too sure if she was just hearing things and overreacting or not. She leaned her body slightly forward as she silently listened for any indicator that she wasn't going crazy.

And then she heard it; it was so faint but she could never forget the sound of flesh being torn apart. There were walkers downstairs; she had no clue how or when they got in but she knew she had to do something.

She jumped off the bed and slung her bag over her back and brought out her switchblade as she hurried out the room with Bear at her trail.

It took less than twenty seconds for chaos to ensue downstairs and Isabella spotted walkers devouring the residents as she stepped out into the hall.

She hurried to a struggling person from the Kingdom and yanked the walker that tried to claw at him backwards. The walker fell to the ground on its back and before it could get back up, Isabella brought her foot down on its skull.

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