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"Felipe, oh my god," Isabella lowered her gun as she slowly stood up, wincing from the gunshot wound.

"I thought you were dead," Felipe sighed, as he hurried over to the young woman, bringing her in for a quick hug. "When the walkers took over the nursing home..."

"Guillermo didn't make it," Isabella said, cutting him off as Felipe pulled away. "He helped me get out before he died."

"Fuck," Felipe hissed, screwing his eyes shut. So Guillermo really was dead, he was hoping that he somehow made it out alive.

But he knew not everyone gets their happy ending.

"I know, I miss him, more than you know," Isabella sighed. "But Felipe, I need your help."

Felipe nodded. "Of course, anything..."

He trailed off, as the situation clicked in his mind.

In the months he'd been in Woodbury, not once had he ever come across Isabella.

But suddenly, the night the town is attacked, and his friends are killed, she shows up?

"Why... why're you here Isabella?" Felipe seethed, clicking the gun off safety as he aimed the gun at her. "You're... you're with that group, aren't you?"

"Felipe..." Isabella froze, unable to process the situation. "This group, your group took my friends, we're here to save them, nothing else."

"I lost one of my buddies because of your group," Felipe growled stepping closer.

"Felipe please, don't do this," Isabella stood her ground, not wanting to fight Felipe.

She knew what he was capable of.

"You know, Guillermo... Guillermo could never stand up to you, he always bent at your will," Felipe scoffed, causing Isabella to scowl at him. "And now that he's gone, he has no say in what I can do to you!"

Felipe pulled the trigger as Isabella dodged to the side, the bullet barely missing her.

She charged at Felipe, knocking him down from the force of the attack, and the two continued to throw punches at each other.

Felipe swung his fist at Isabella, knocking her over, and she spotted her pistol, immediately dodging for it.

"Oh I don't think so," Felipe snarled as he beat Isabella to the punch, wrapping his fingers against the cold metal.

"Felipe please," Isabella whispered, as he aimed the gun at her.

She hated how she had come to this point, begging to not get killed.

But couldn't fight him, Felipe was stronger than her, too strong.

Felipe scoffed. "Sorry pendeja."

He swung the butt of the gun against her head and darkness overtook her..


Isabella moaned in pain when she came to.

She was tied to a chair, in a dark, empty room.

"Fuck," she hissed as she suddenly remembered what went down.

How Felipe was alive, and turned on her.

How long had she been out?

Was the group even still here?

Isabella struggled against the ties, doing her best to squeeze her hands out of the rope.

She heard distant gunfire, and she froze.

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