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Later that night, Isabella washed the few dishes in the sink and once she finished them, she fell silent as she stared out the window in the night. She tried so hard not too but all she thought about that day was her failure.

"Isa?" Rick asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder and she gasped as she turned to him.

She hadn't even noticed him approach her.

"Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to spook you."

"It's okay, I'm just lost in my head," she tried to joke and tried to leave the kitchen.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Rick gently asked.

"You don't need to worry about me."

"I always worry about you. Isa, you can tell if something's wrong, you know that right?" he gently asked, softly grabbing her wrist.

"Yeah, yeah I know," she nodded.

"So then shoot me, tell me what's up."

"I just... I'm frustrated with everything. Everyone keeps dying and I haven't found an end to this."

"Hey, we'll get through this. Things can't be like this forever, they can't and we'll find an end to this."

"You don't get it, I came this close, this close," she motioned by pinching her fingers together. "To solving this. But I failed, I failed and now I'm going to watch everyone I love die."

"We'll keep trying. We'll find someone to help out if needed, I'll help, I'll do anything to support you. And even if we fail, this isn't on you, you aren't responsible for saving everyone. There's only so much one person can do."

"It still feels wrong. Why should I enjoy this and move on with my life while so many have died because of those things out there."

"You think they would want this? You think they would be okay with you slaving yourself away and not letting yourself enjoy the few good things we have? Do you think Guillermo would want that?"

"I- maybe not but I just, I can't help feeling guilty. Especially when I was supposed to join them but now I'm here and they're not."

"Oh Isa, come here," Rick softly said as he brought her in an embrace and the she remained silent as she thought of the events of that day.

They remained in silence for some time before going off to bed and laying in each others embrace.

Isabella feel in a deep sleep in Rick's arms and wasn't met with any nightmares.

In the morning, the pair still laid in one another's arms.

Judith was asleep on their baby monitor; the only one up was Carl who had left the infirmary and checked the armory.

Rick kissed Isabella's bare neck, moving to her shoulder and she slowly opened her eyes, leaning back into his touch.

She groaned softly as she reached her arm back to him, to which he kissed her wrist.

"This is good," he murmured as the two let their bare bodies continue to warm each other up.

"It is," she softly said. "Jesus came through."

"They all did," Rick said. "And they're gonna all keep going."

"Oh, Maggie wants Michonne, Glenn and I to help her out with putting up some bins and watch points," she said. "I would keep an eye on Carl but he seems fine to me so far."

Rick craned his neck to look back at the sleeping child in her crib.

"Stick around, Judith-" He said, getting on top of her and trailed kisses down her body, earning giggles from her. "Judith isn't even up yet."

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