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The next day the group was focused on preparing for the impending war.

Daryl seemed to be okay, but Isabella knew he was just putting up walls.

She hated that he rarely opened up, but she would try to get him on their next hunting trip.

Isabella was still exhausted and her ankles were still sore, but she needed to pitch in, plus she wanted the governor dead just as much as everyone else.

She was gonna get revenge for the vatos, for the nursing home, and for Guillermo.

If the governor didn't exist, Guillermo would still be alive... yet she would've never become the group's prisoner and ultimately part of the group.

So while the governor ruined her life, maybe he also made it slightly better.

While she was putting any supplies in her bike in case they had to make a run for it, she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey Isabella, are you busy?" she turned to spot Glenn, who was clearly nervous.

"You good pizza boy?" she questioned, and Glenn chuckled at the new nickname.

"Uh yeah, I just need your help with something," he said. "And uh, why the nickname now?"

"Well considering we may die any day now, might as well make the last days fun," she shrugged. "But what do you need?"

He motioned her to follow him and he led her alongside the gates, far from the group's sight.

"Uh is where you feed me to the walkers?" Isabella joked.

"No, I wish," Glenn playfully rolled his eyes. "If I did, Rick would kill me," he chuckled taking a look back at her.

"Glenn!" she breathed out. "If you called me to bully me, you could've just done that inside."

"Well unfortunately that's not what we're here for," he said as he stopped walking and looked directly at one of the walkers trying to claw its way to the pair. "That's what we're here for," he motioned to a small wedding ring on its finger.

He quickly motioned for Isabella to grab the walker's hand while he quickly hacked it off, and grabbed the ring, wiping off any blood or grime off.

He turned to her with the ring flat on his palm and the biggest smile.

"Glenn, listen," Isabella said softly. "I like you, I really do, but I don't like you in that way."

"Oh hush," he playfully punched her arm. "You think Maggie would like it?"

She took the ring from his hand and looked at it already knowing the answer.

"Glenn, you know Maggie doesn't care about the ring right?" she smiled, handing it back to him.

"I know, I know," he sighed. "But as you said, if we're gonna die soon, we might as well make the best of it. Anyways, can you try it on? The two of you have similar-sized hands so maybe if it fits you, it'll fit her."

Isabella nodded as she took it and slid it on her finger, which fit perfectly.

"Maggie's gonna kick my ass when she sees that I'm Mrs. Rhee," she chuckled.

"I think you'd be better as Mrs. Grimes," he snickered as he grabbed the ring from her finger.

"Glenn, we're right next to some walkers," she said playfully. "Don't make me throw you into them."

"You can't touch me," Glenn smiled. "You love me too much."

"Whatever pizza boy," she rolled her eyes as the two of them began to head back to the cellblock.

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