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Isabella stared into the fire, thinking about the past few days.

It's been two days since she lost everything.

She had gone back yesterday, to get Guillermo's truck.

She wanted to bring her bike, but she wouldn't have a place for Bear, or even a place to sleep.

Her eyes looked up to Bear who was growling, looking into the bushes a few feet away.

Sighing, she stood up and grabbed her loaded crossbow.

Bear then lowered himself and ran into the bushes. "Bear!" Isabella yelled as she ran infront of the bush.

There was rustling and then a rabbit ran out, with Bear on his tail.

She breathed out and lowered her crossbow as Bear caught it, locking its jaws on its neck.

Bear walked up to Isabella with his head high as he dropped it at her feet.

It was like he knew.

She began skinning it, handing Bear pieces of flesh.

After that, she put it over the fire and dug in her bag, looking for a can of dog food.

She had packed two when she went back.

Grinning, she pulled it out along with her can opener and began opening the can.

She dumped it out into his bowl, and he began gobbling it down.

After she had finished eating the rabbit, she put the fire out and started walking to the truck.

"Come on boy," she whistled as she opened the back door, allowing Bear to hop in.

Closing the door behind her, she laid down on the seat, stretching out her body.

Bear jumped on the seat, snuggling up against her. She smiled as she wrapper her arm around him, closing her eyes.


Isabella woke to the sound of hands running against the window. She opened her eyes, and saw two walkers trying to get in with Bear against the window, growling.

She sighed and climbed to the front seat, turning the truck on.

"Easy boy," she said as she pulled out her phone and plugged in the aux cord.

Even though the world has ended, she wanted to keep a piece of what it was like before.

She turned on her rock playlist, and pressed on the gas, leaving the walkers behind.

She pulled over after fifteen minutes and turned the truck off.

She needed water, she had just finished her last bottle.

She hopped out and opened the back door, and Bear ran out, into the trees.

She chuckled and grabbed her crossbow, along with her bag and followed him.

With a grin, Isabella reached a small river.

Bear ran up next to her and began lapping up water.

She pulled out her five water bottles from her bag and began filling them.

After that she cupped her hands, and splashed water on her face.

She needed a bath.

She stood up and began to take off her bag, when Bear started barking and stared into the woods.

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