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The next morning when Isabella woke, she promised herself she'd try and fight to escape any chance she got. She wasn't going to let them break her, she wasn't going to let them stop her from seeing her family.

She waited, waited patiently for the savior to enter her cell so she could try and attack. When he did, she was quick, but of course, he was quicker.

"Holy fuck! I know you did not just try that," he spat as he managed to flip her on the ground beneath him.

"You just don't learn don't you?" He hissed as he sent a kick to her gut and she wheezed from the impact.

She clutched her stomach as she glared up at him.

"Fuck you."

"Screw this," he then spat and went out into the hall, coming back in with a rod, one that buzzed with electricity and her eyes slightly widened.

"Yeah, I bet you're regretting that now aren't you?" He said as he brought the rod to her side and an electrifying pulse shot through her body.

She let out a cry as she fell to the ground and he laughed.

"We just need you alive for the tests, that doesn't mean we can't rough you up," he chuckled as he brought it back over and over, ignoring her cries of pain.

He didn't even try to slow down and by the time he was done, Isabella's body was bruised on the impact spots and she couldn't see more than an step ahead of her.

Her ears rang and it felt like her heart would explode with how fast it beat from her wounds. She heard him faintly say something but she couldn't hear him and she felt herself wanting to slip unconscious.

But before she could, Clint dragged her out the room and her eyes never left the floor as he led her into the lab.

She heard another voice speak and she felt the savior throw her body against the gurney, and her legs couldn't even hold herself up and she threw her hands on the bed to shakily hold herself up.

They continued to talk and they forced her onto the bed before clasping her hands to the rails, yet it didn't make a difference. Her body was so weak she couldn't escape if she wanted to.

After they injected her with whatever and drew blood, they dragged her back to her cell. Her ears no longer rang but her vision was still blurry and all she wanted was to sleep and never wake up.

"Since you decided to be a bitch and try and escape, you get no food tonight. Maybe you'll think of your actions next time," Clint spat before he closed the door leaving her in the darkness.

She winced as laid her body on the ground, clutching her side as she stared into the abyss.

She wondered if things would get better before they got worse, but she knew that wasn't likely. She also knew that none of her friends knew she was there, meaning any chance of her escape fell on her shoulders and she would have to play her cards right from now on.

She tried to think of them, think of how they were back home but it didn't take long before she fell unconscious.


When Isabella's eyes fluttered open, she found herself on the hospital bed instead of her lab and she grimaced.

"Shit, Clint really beat you huh? You slept through a full day yesterday," the savior joked as he then checked her vitals. "You know, since your life is in our hands, I'd be careful on what you do from now on."

She just glared at him as he then drew her blood once knowing her vitals were the best they could be.

"Or don't, it's up to you," he shrugged.

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